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September 9th, 2016
My Dearest Diary,

Today I woke up with this huge grin on my face. I feel like I'm finally moving on with my life and it feels amazing! I've just finished moving in to my cozy little cabin. It's located right in between the Denali and Cullen properties. I met both families today and let me tell you...

I checked my reflection in the mirror of the car's pull down visor one more time. No lipstick on my teeth, or hair out of place, and not a single smudge of mascara could be found. As far as I was concerned, I was ready to rock.

Hopping out of the car, I tried to prepare myself for the blast of artic cold I was about to face. No, scratch that. No one could ever truly prepare for this degree of cold.

I hugged the collar of my coat closer to my face and trudged up to the door. Crinkling my nose, I cringed at the sight of my ugly snow covered boots. How could anybody look fashionable in this place, I wondered.

As I walked up the steps, I immediately jumped back as the door in front of me unexpectedly swung open. I was greeted by two smiling faces and fours sets of hands, pulling me into the unfurnished entry of the mansion.

"You must be Evie!" one of the two women exclaimed.

"Hurry up and get in here before you catch cold," said the other.

The two women promptly shut the door and offered me a hand on getting out of my winter gear.

"I hope the place wasn't too hard to find," one of the women said as she took my coat. I still had no idea as to who was who.

"Not at all," I smiled. "According to Google maps you are one of only two houses up here," I explained.

"Ah, and I bet the other house is mine," replied the other woman.

Suddenly I grinned as I figured it out. "So that must make you Mrs. Cullen," I said pointing to the woman holding my coat. "And you must be Mrs. Denali?" I guessed.

"Oh goodness, yes," Mrs. Cullen exclaimed. "Where are our manners?"

As the two women confirmed their identities, I began assessing the blank space before me and smiled. With an unlimited budget and this excellent canvas, I would soon turn this mansion into a masterpiece.

"You have nine children Mrs. Cullen, is that right?" I asked.

"Yes," she replied. "And please call me Esme," she instructed. "You'll have to forgive my children," she said. "It would appear they've lost all track of time."

"As have mine," Carmen added. "I'm sure they are all together."

"That's ok, really" I replied, shrugging it off. "This way I can get a feel for the place before meeting-"

Suddenly with a bang, and a burst of artic air, the front door slammed open and a herd of people traipsed through. God, what a gene pool, I thought as I got a glimpse of them all. I hadn't noticed it before with Esme and Carmen, but every single one of them had golden colored eyes. Must be a family trait, I thought.

I couldn't help, but take a step back, as a short brunette bounced towards me. She was pretty, I noticed, with short spikey hair and a contagious smile but she made me nervous. Sticking her hand out, she introduced herself.

"Hi! I'm Alice," she exclaimed. "I have a feeling were going to be great friends," she said shaking my hand enthusiastically.

Immediately I pulled back, hissing and withdrawing my hand as though she had burned me. But it wasn't warmth that I felt, it was an almost unbearable cold. Suddenly a look crossed the girl's features, one that I had seen many times on the Bennett witch before, and I began to panic. This girl just had a vision, and most likely it was about me. How much had this witch seen?

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