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"What was that?" Jasper questioned me with an angry scowl. "Couldn't you see you were hurting her?" he asked.

I clenched my jaw as I glared at him angrily. "What do you care?" I seethed.

"I care, because you're my brother," he replied. "If you hurt, I hurt," he said. "So tell me-- what's going on?"

I looked down at my feet, my heart entirely broken. "She doesn't love me," I said, shaking my head in regret. "I can't believe I was so stupid."

"She has feelings for you, Emmett. She's just confused," he told me. "Whoever this 'original vampire' was that she fell for, he really did a number on her--"

Suddenly Garrett entered, clearing his throat loudly as he walked towards us. "I'm sorry to break up this little love fest," he snickered, "but in case you forgot, the red coats are here, so you might want to get out here."

The two of us didn't waste any more time as we quickly flashed outside. I may have been pissed at Evie for not telling me her secret sooner, but that didn't mean I was about to just let the Volturi take her away from me either. I came to stand alongside her, and as she glanced up at me, I immediately was overwhelmed with guilt. There was so much fear in her eyes--

I was about to apologize when suddenly the annoying voice of Aro spoke up.

"Dear Ones," he addressed the crowds gathered around him. "It has been ten years, since our last confrontation with this particular coven, and already we are faced with another predicament of the same magnitude."

"No rules have been broken here, Aro," Carlisle stated, trying to reason with him, but Aro refused to believe.

"Do you take me for a fool?" Aro challenged. "I can see the mortal, with my own eyes--"

Suddenly, a tall man with curly blonde hair, strode up along the driveway towards us. "And that's, where you would be wrong," the man called out.

His piercing blue eyes flickered over to Evie before falling back on Aro. From beside me, Evie straightened and her heart beat sped up at the sight of this man. I looked back and forth between the two but was unable to make a connection. Suddenly, his lips curled back into a devilish smirk-- he really seemed to enjoy how flustered Aro was at being interrupted.

"Kl- Klaus Mikealson," Aro smiled sheepishly. "My old friend, what are you doing here?" he asked as he quickly exchanged a nervous glance with both of his brothers.

"For the last couple thousand years, give or take a millennium or two," he smiled, "I have allowed you to spew your filth as the self proclaimed ruler of the vampires," the curly haired man spoke. "But you and I both know, your kind is an inferior mistake," he growled.

"A mistake?" Someone from behind Aro challenged.

"Why, yes. You see, my family and I are the Original family of vampires," Klaus explained. "I hadn't been a vampire for very long at all, when I accidentally created the first of your kind," he said. "I didn't even know it was possible to create others like myself until that day."

"But I thought no body knew where we came from," Amun questioned as he and the others looked towards Aro.

"A slight-- oversight I'm sure," Aro replied. "An accidental omission from the history books, perhaps?"

Aro looked like he was starting to become extremly disturbed when he turned towards the original vampire.

"I must ask you again, old friend," he said ringing his hands in frustration, "what business have you here?"

"Have I been nothing but gracious with you, as I have allowed you to multiply your inferior abominations? For years I have wandered this world lonely and unloved, searching for someone to call my own. Just when I had given up all hope that such a person exsisted, fate smiled down on me and forty-seven years ago, I found the one woman who I would devote the rest of my life too. She alone is my soul mate-- my lifeblood-- my most prized possession."

As he spoke, his eyes once again found their way towards my Evie and with each descriptive syllable, I could hear her heart flutter-- not to mention, I could also feel myself growing more jealous by the minute.

"So you will imagine my surprise when I heard you were making a move against her," he scowled, snapping my attention back to him and out of my own reverie. "Against me!" he yelled in correction.

"I can assure you, Niklaus," Caius spoke up with an overly annoyed tone, "we have done no such thing," he spat.

"Then you're not here for her?"

And in a flash, that even my eyes had a hard time registering, the man had ripped Evie from my side. I could feel my hands angrily fold in to tight fists as I stood by, helplessly watching her in the arms of another.

The three brothers gasped in unison.

"But she's just a mortal," Caius said. "A human," he frowned in disgust.

"Evelyn is my mate," Klaus stated with authority in his voice as he sent Caius a threatening glare. "An assult on her, is a direct assult on me. My little mate wishes to remain human, and so she shall."

"We can not allow that," Caius whined. "You know what could happen if we allow humans to--"


The original vampire spoke with such power and authority that even the trees seemed to tremble. The Volturi were practically wetting themselves-- hell, even I was shaking a little.

Aro immediately began apologizing when suddenly the blue eyed man flashed forward, clutching Aro's throat with his hand. He squeezed with so much force, that cracks could be seen growing along Aro's neck and face.

"You will return home, all of you, and you will never again bring harm or discord against this coven."

I watched in awe, as Klaus released Aro, and then suddenly, every single one of the Volturi turned and fled.

Who the hell is this guy?

Flashing back towards Evie, a mischievous grin played on his face as he bent down and whispered something into her ear. He glanced back in my direction, and then with an evil smirk and a nod, he disappeared-- taking my precious Evie along with him.

*A/N- Shout out to all my lovlies who are voting, commenting and following this story! Can you believe it? Klaus just basically kidnapped Evie!  Poor Emmett!!! What do you think Klaus whispered to her before they disappeared?*

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