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"You're miserable, Emmett. I really think the only way you will ever be able to move on, is if you to take a trip to New Orleans. Maybe take Edward with you for support."

And that's how I ended up here. Stuck on an almost eight hour flight between Edward and some overweight gelatinous blob with an odor that could knock out a moose. I was hardly able to contain my excitement when the captain announced we were heading into our final decent.

With some thoughtful planning, we we're able to schedule our flight so that we arrived in New Orleans around eight in the evening. Traveling at night was our only option afterall, since there was still the matter of us 'sparkling' in the daylight. I really hoped that this wouldn't hinder our ability to find her.

But even if I did find her, then what? I'm sure she's still furious with me for letting her walk away. And what excuse do I have for that?


"C'mon, brother." Edward smiled as he clasped me on the shoulder on our way out of the airport. "It's a beautiful evening. Perhaps Lady Luck will be on our side."

"Ha!" I scoffed, shaking my head. "That bitch has been against me since Rosalie died."

Edward nodded his head but didn't say much after that, and I felt almost guilty for being in such a sour mood all the time. But what did he know? Sure he had lost Bella, but he still had Renesmee. I should have fought for Evie, instead of being such a coward. I should have fought to the death for her. Because, so far, a life without her, has been no life at all.

I trailed slowly behind Edward as he strolled down the streets of New Orleans, and was actually surprised by how lively they were. We stopped once for directions, and a moment later we had rounded the corner street for our hotel, but unfortunately, that was as far as we got.

"What in the world do you think is going on?" Edward asked.

I could only shake my head in bewilderment as I took in the large crowds gathered on opposite sides of the street. I honestly had no idea.

"It's Mardi Gras!" Someone answered as they tossed a few colorful beads our way. "And you're just in time too," they explained with a drunken slur. "The parade is about to start."

Edward shot me a horrified look and as the music grew closer, we frantically tried to shove our way past the hordes of people-- but it was no use. So if you cant beat 'em, join 'em, right?

At first it was just a twitch, but as the band passed by, I found myself grinning from ear to ear as I tapped  along with 'The Saints'. The floats grew closer and the crowds tightened up, cramming in to every space available. When suddenly I was surrounded by the overwhelming stench of wet dog.

Another look of panic flashed in Edward's eyes and I knew he had caught the scent too. But oddly enough, if they smelled us they made no indication of knowing what we were. I guess they just didn't care, or maybe this was just a normal, every day occurance. Whatever it was, I couldn't help but wonder if they somehow new Evie.

"I hear the Alpha has finally chosen a new Queen," I overheard one of them say as I stepped closer.

"Yeah. Well it doesn't matter," the other one spat. "Those two will never replace Jackson and Hayley--"

Hayley. I was sure I had heard that name before. Perhaps these shifters really did know where Evie was. I was about to open my mouth when suddenly somebody shouted.

"There she is!"

I turned my head and gazed up at the float coming down the street as the Grand Marshall announced the King and Queen of the Mardi Gras Parade. I was uncertain at first, but as the float came closer my dead, unbeating heart sunk into my stomach.

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