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I had just slumped down into my favorite leather chair, in what my family had so rightfully deemed as my study, when Elijah suddenly flashed in. Here, in this room, is where I had created some of my favorite artwork. I've spent numerous hours sitting here, just clearing my head or thinking up ways to get back my precious Evelyn-- but most importantly, it was where I kept my most prized and very expensive Vat 69.

Tossing back the glass in my hand, I let the blended scotch whiskey burn down my throat before groaning and rolling my eyes in annoyance. If I had learned anything from the past thousand years spent with my brother, it was how to see past the calm that Elijah attempted to project, as a facade.

"Elijah, brother," I addressed him with a broad gesture of my hand and a smirk. "Why don't you pour yourself a glass of some of my finest liquor--"

"Have you any idea where the mother of your future child may be tonight?"

Elijah's words were snapped angrily under his breath, so that only I could hear him. As I swirled the amber liquid around in my glass, it occurred to me, that in fact, I did not. The smile quickly fell from my face at this new realization, but where ever she was, I was sure she was in good hands.

"Rebekah and Evelyn are inseparable, the two. I'm sure everything is fine."

"Fine?" Elijah's jaw ticked slightly with frustration. "Are you or are you not aware of the fact that the Cullen boy is here."

Elijah glared down at me as my hand tightened around the glass in my hand.

"Here?" I challenged, my eye instantly beginning to twitch uncontrollably. "In my own house?"

The whiskey glass I had been drinking from, suddenly shattered in my hand, as my enhanced hearing picked up the sound of Evelyn screaming. Rebekah's voice followed shortly after.

"What the bloody hell have you done?"

Flashing off, it wasn't hard to figure out where they were with the scent of Evelyn's intoxicating blood quickly draining out around her. I stormed into the cellar, slowly taking in one scene at a time. First was Marcellus, his ashen body slumped over whilst the bloody cavity of his chest emptied-- his heart deposited on the floor alongside him. No doubt this was the handiwork of the Cullen boy, but right now he was the least of my concerns.

Next I turned towards the sound of Evelyn's whimpers, my heart clenching at the sight of her as I dropped to my knees. Her pale face smiled weakly at the sight of me. I had never been one to hide my dissapointment well, and I must have been failing miserably even now.

"Please try not to be too angry." Her feeble voice croaked as she placed a frail hand over mine.

My eyes widened as I looked up at Rebekah-- her hand was already so cold.

She was dieing.

"I'm not angry, Love," I lied, trying my best to keep the storm that brewed inside of me at bay. "I just want to know what the hell happened."

Biting into my own wrist, I insisted she drink some of my blood before answering. When I was satisfied she'd had enough for the healing agents to begin working on her, I pulled my arm away and gently grazed the bottom of her lip with my thumb.

"Go on, Love," I urged gently as I wiped a spot of blood off her chin. "I promise to stay calm."

But as she recounted the entire time line of tonight's events, I could feel my blood beginning to boil. I wanted nothing more than for Marcel to miraculously come back to life, just so I could kill him myself. But I knew that wouldn't happen, and instead, that inferior reject of a vampire had gotten the satisfaction, and had nearly killed my precious Evelyn and unborn child in the process! I should have killed all of the Cullen's when I had the chance.

Nevermind that now, I thought to myself. I may have to break my promise to Evelyn, but I will not make the same mistake twice.

As Evelyn passed out for a second time, the Cullen boy slowly stood and backed away from the scene before us-- no doubt sensing the rage I was about to unleash. If he thought he could just waltz in here and steal away my woman, than clearly he was unaware of what I was truly capable of. Perhaps he needed me to provide him with a demonstration.

Emmett turned, in what I assumed was an attempt to escape, but I was much faster than he anticipated. In a split second I had caught the cold one in my grasp, slamming him up against the wall. With my fangs bared, I could feel my hybrid taking over and ever so quickly, my teeth forcefully punctured the diamond like flesh on his neck.

Releasing him, I watched as the Cullen boy stumbled back, seemingly in shock at the wound I'd left. As his hand flew up to the mark on his neck,
another family member of the Cullen clan walked in. A look of horror upon his face.

"Evie?" The other Cullen rushed forward, but stopped short at the growl that errupted from my chest.

"Don't you dare," I warned, placing myself between them and her.

"I suggest you do as he says," Elijah added as he also stepped up next to me. "And you'd best get your brother out of here before I am unable to be held responsible for Niklaus' actions."

The brothers shared a look before flashing off and disappearing. A part of me wanted to have Elijah follow them-- I was curious to know if my bite would affect the Cullen boy, the same way it did everyone else, but I decided against. Right now I had other things to concern myself with and Evelyn's health was much more important. Besides, the sun would be up soon so they wouldn't get very far anyways.

Turning back around, I gingerly scooped Evelyn up into my arms and cradled her against my chest. Because of my own selfish pride and stupidity I had almost lost her tonight. I couldn't help but wonder what she had told Emmett. Did he ask her to run away with him? Did she say yes? Would she have really left me?

*A/N- Hello my lovlies! I am so sorry the updates for this have been slow. I've been having a bit of writer's block, but I think I'm finally back on track now. After this, there will be only 2 more updates, so enjoy them! Hahaha The next chapter will be up right after Thanksgiving~ Rose *

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