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From the moment I laid eyes on her, I knew my life would never be the same. I was still just as dead as yesterday, that much was sure, but I swear at the sight of her, I suddenly felt like my undead heart might beat again. Don't get me wrong. With out a doubt, Rosalie Hale had been my mate. But perhaps Evie, well maybe-- just maybe, second chance mates really did exist.

I sighed in frustration, as I tossed her the keys to the ATV and turned away from her.

"What am I supposed to do with these?" she called.

Every fiber of my being, screamed for me to turn back around and get another glance at her-- but I couldn't. Even if it was possible that she was my mate, I wasn't ready.

"You're going to have to get back and forth somehow," I answered keeping my focus on the trees in front of me.

"Well how are you going to get back?"

"I'll walk," I answered.

I cringed inwardly as Evie mumbled something incoherent, before slamming the door of her cabin behind me. An incredible feeling of guilt washed over me-- from turning my back on her, to making her carry her own luggage-- but it had only been two years since I'd lost Rosalie and I just wasn't ready to move on yet.

"So did anything exciting happen while you were gone?" Alice beamed as I walked into the house.

"Wouldn't you all ready know if it had?" I muttered, forcing my way past her. I wasn't in the mood to talk.

"Well, someone's in a sour mood," she remarked, the smile falling from her face.

"There's no use in denying it, brother," Jasper chuckled, suddenly appearing next to his mate. "I could feel the connection you two had a mile away."

"So what," I replied with a frown and a shrug. My mind was already made up and there was nothing anyone could say to change it.

"So what," Alice practically shrieked as she repeated my words. "So what-- Emmett you can't be serious," she scolded. "I mean, c'mon! Isn't it obvious?"

"I don't think any thing is obvious," Bella announced as she and Edward walked in to the room.

I rolled my eyes, as I suddenly found myself surrounded by my siblings. This is exactly what I was trying to avoid.

"Don't worry," I informed everyone. "Evie will never replace Rosalie."

"Nevertheless, I expect both of you to make Evie feel welcome here," Esme instructed as she too walked into the room. "I don't ever want a repeat of what happened today."

"Don't worry," smiled Alice knowingly. "I think both Emmett and Bella will come around soon."

"Why?" I questioned, annoyance heavy in my tone as I narrowed my eyes at her. "What did you see?"

"Speaking of which," Edward suddenly interrupted, "Alice, you need to be more careful," he told her. "Evie knew you had a vision about her."

"How could she have possibly known that?" I asked.

"In her thoughts, I heard her mention a Bennett witch and a Gemini coven," Edward explained. "I didn't even think witches existed."

"Well, up until a few years ago, I didn't think vampires and werewolves existed either," Bella pointed out.

I turned away from my family and headed up to my room, chuckling slightly to myself along the way. It would have been so easy for me, especially given my gift of strength, to have helped Evie with her luggage, but she had insisted on carrying it all herself.

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