Chapter 1 - Why So Soon?

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Becca's POV

I was so excited about today. My 9-year-old sister, Rachel, would come with the rest of her 3rd grade class to the high school. They'd even get to eat lunch with their siblings if they had any! So Rachel can eat with me!

I placed my backpack down on the wall that me and Gerrin (Ghair-in, like chair but with a g) were sitting on. I stood up and stretched, yawning. I pulled my phone from my pocket and went to the talking app (IDK IF IT'S A THING JUST GO WITH IT) I used. I typed in it and let it talk for me. "DO YOU SEE RACHEL." The app droned. Gerrin looked around for a bit before pointing towards building 13. "She's standing near the tables. Do you wanna move over there?" I nodded and turned around, picking up my backpack and slinging it on, Gerrin doing the same. He held my hand as we walked over to Rachel.

Oops, I forgot to mention this, didn't I? Gerrin is my boyfriend. 2 months. He was an 8th grader last year, so since I had to repeat, I met him. He is probably the only boy in this school who understands me. He's kind, smart, funny, decent-looking, and all around amazing. His blue eyes shone like the ocean and his dirty blonde was really shiny. I giggled at those thoughts.

He looked at me funny before sitting down at the table with Rachel. She looked up and grinned. "HI, GERRIN!" He smirked. "Hey, Rachel. Your sister is pumped about today."

"HEY. JUST BECAUSE I CAN'T PHYSICALLY SPEAK DOESN'T MEAN YOU GET TO TALK FOR ME." My app protested. "YEAH. I AM PUMPED FOR TODAY. HOW OFTEN IS IT THAT A LITTLE SIBLING GETS TO EAT WITH HER BIGGER SIBLING AT HER BIGGER SIBLING'S SCHOOL." I frowned at the phone. I really didn't like the female voice, but it's better than typing and hoping Rachel can read it.


Better than Rachel trying to pronounce the words on the screen. I'm still laughing at the fact she said more pine instead of morphine that one time.

Haha, yea.

I pulled out my lunch bag and sat my backpack on the rocks next to us. I dumped the contents onto the table as I always do. Lunchable, Kiss, chocolate milk, a dollar, apples, and Capri-sun. I popped open the chocolate milk and slurped it down. Gerrin and Rachel were giggling like two little schoolgirls. That's another thing I love about Gerrin. He isn't afraid to show his true self.

As if on cue, my worst enemy appeared next to the table. Sarah (I'M SORRY ANYONE NAMED SARAH. RANDOM NAME GEN). She always made fun of me for my unique personality, but ever since (I left the city) I lost the ability to speak, she's been even worse.

"So how's the mute today?" She sneered. I rolled my eyes and typed a response. "CAN YOU LEAVE ME ALONE TODAY SARAH. I WANT TO ENJOY LUNCH WITH MY LITTLE SISTER."

Her group of friends came up behind her. All of them had the same expression as Sarah.

"Oh, you mean the little midget sitting across from you or the girl-boy next to you?"

Her group laughed and my anger boiled. Gerrin saw and squeezed my hand, whispering in my ear. "Ignore them. They're being a bunch of B's." I shuddered and took a deep breath, typing again. "MAN YOUR VOCABULARY SUCKS SARAH. SURELY YOU CAN COME UP WITH A BETTER INSULT THAT THAT."

Rachel giggled and Gerrin tried not to laugh, but he ended up snorting. That made me laugh.

Suddenly, my phone rang. I glanced at the number and froze.

(555)-733-7677 (Not my number, and there's a hidden message in the number. ;D)

I showed the number to Gerrin and he frowned. "How are you being called by your own number?"

I shrugged. Should I answer it?

Probably. You might wanna figure out why your number is calling you.

I hit the answer button and put it up to my ear. I waited for the pre-recorded message saying I couldn't speak to finish before humming into the speaker, letting the person know I was listening.

"I'm back~" A seriously familiar voice sang. The call ended and the screen of my phone turned blue.

Sarah and her gang backed up as Jane ran over. "Guys, what's---" She stopped when she saw the phone. It began shaking slightly. I widened my eyes and ran to the middle of the lot, placing my phone glass-side-up. Could it be...?

Your way....


Gerrin ran up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me back from the phone, which began shaking violently.

Suddenly, Minecraft pixels began floating up from my phone to make a meter tall oval shape. Rachel had come over as well, since I was unable to tell her to stay back. Jane also came up behind Rachel, holding her around the waist in a protective stance.

The pixels filled in the oval shape until there was a rough oval hovering a foot above my phone, which had stopped shaking. I finally noticed the group of people around us. Luckily, they were smart enough to stay a good 10 feet away from the phone.

All the whispering stopped when something popped from the portal. A hand. A blocky hand. A red hand. I instantly knew who it was.

But...I thought he changed?

Slowly, he pulled himself away from the portal. When his feet touched the ground, it changed from tan asphalt to Minecraft stone.

After he came through, 3 of his men came through as well. Anywhere they walked turned to stone.

I heard several gasps and quite a few murmurs of "Red?" "Crafting Dead...."

They weren't wrong.

I carefully unwrapped Gerrin's arms from around me and stepped forward, facing the man I truly thought had changed.



How's that for a beginning chapter?


Seriously, though, don't call that number. I don't know who or what that number would call. :P

Can you find the Easter egg in the chapter?

Smash that vote button at hyper speeds, Hyperfans!!!

-Becca <3

Time To End This... (A Minecraft Story; Sequel to I'm Back?)Where stories live. Discover now