Chapter 7 - What Happens When The Author Is Angry At One Of The Characters

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Jane's POV


I walked through the long hallways of Bryant Middle School, my journal clutched to my chest.

It was lunch time, and there was this girl that looked so lonely, so...isolated.  I wanted to talk with her.

I walked into the lunch room, wincing slightly at the loud chatter of the other 7th graders and a few 8th graders.

I looked around for her and saw her sitting alone at the end of a table away from everyone else.

Her dirty blonde hair was pulled back by a purple scrunchie, and she was reading and eating.  Her glasses sat beside her food.  She was also an 8th grader.

I walked over and sat across from her.

She looked up and stared at me for a bit.

I could tell that she was judging me.  I don't blame her.  She's probably the type who is reluctant to make friends.

She nodded at me and returned to her book.

I waited for her to finish that particular chapter before speaking.


She looked up from her book and smiled.  "Hey."

She glanced back down at her book before dog-earring the page and closing the book.

"I'm Jane.  What's your name?"

Her eyes showed slight shock.

"I-I'm Becca."

I smiled.  "Oh, yeah!  I remember you!  We were in Mrs. Curlin's choir class!"

"...Oh, yeah!  You were on the back row with Ant and Joy."  She replied, a hint of a smile on her face.

I looked around a bit.  "Do you have any friends?"

I looked back at her to see her grimacing.  "N-No....I'm...not really liked around here.  I've got a bad reputation with a lot of people."

"How so?"

"I...was a really bad kid in elementary.  I was mean."

"Are you mean now?"

She frowned.  "I try not to be.  Whenever I try to make friends...I find out that they're friends with those people who I have a bad reputation with.  Not to mention my personality isn't exactly...liked."

The lunch bell rang.

"Can I sit with you tomorrow, Becca?"

She looked at me like I was a present she'd wanted all her life.  "I-If you want to!"

I smiled at her and left, walking to my next class.


The next day, I sat with her again.

She looked up and smiled.  "Hi, Jane."

"Hey, Becca."

She closed her book and looked at me, studying me.  " you want to sit with me?  No one ever wants to."

I thought for a second.  "Well...I like to make friends with those people who seem lonely.  Not out of pity, but because they are like me."

"You're lonely?"

I nodded.  "I have a unique personality.  I'm serious about my work, yet I'm carefree otherwise."

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