Part One- five

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I snuggle in the warm furry jacket as I walk home. I even consider buying one of these so that I wouldn’t be cold in the winter. I debate all the way home, thinking that a jacket would warm me and also somehow ruin my style and preference of clothing.

I noticed an odd car parked in the drive way, and two men in suits sitting in it. I walk up slowly, gauging my stance and eyeing the car and the men suspiciously.

One of the men came out, greeted me and held out his hand. I didn’t take it as I stared at him glaringly. I observed the man with wavy, short hair, dressed in a gray suit, standing next to his car, smiling at me. He introduced himself as one of the government child department workers. He asked if they could come in.

I politely refused, and asked them to tell me about the matters outside. The men glanced at each other and shared looks of uneasiness.

I buttoned up the jacket, making myself a little warmer as the snow began to fall. The other man, dressed in a black suit, looked significantly older than the other with gray hair. I would have guessed that he had been about sixty.

The one in the gray suit hands out several papers, which I take and read over for several minutes.

They basically wanted me to give up Gramp’s land and stuff, and say that I be put under supervision of a guardian.

“Why can’t I live by myself? I’m already seventeen.” I argued back.

The black haired man simply responded, “It’s because you are seventeen. Under the law, you have to be put under supervision. We cannot let you live alone.”

“Im going to be eighteen in less than two months.”

“Doesn’t matter. So if you would just sign there,” he pointed to a blank line at the end of the statement, “we will be leaving soon and your guardian will pick you up.”

“I….. already have a guardian?” Who would even want to consider to take me in?

“His name is Zimmer. Although I personally disagree that he would be right for the job, he’s proven to be competent. Twenty-one and working as a school office manager, and studying business minor.”

A car arrives and slows down near the sidewalk. I duck a little to see the driver.

I grab the paper and sign it with a huge signature. The man grunts and gets into the car. His old partner also goes in and they drive off as Zimmer approaches me.

His tall, slim and easygoing manner seemed interesting to me.

“You can keep that coat if you’d like.” He mentioned.

“I would, but I would rather freeze to death.”

“Have it your way. So, would you mind moving over to my house today, or would you rather me come and bug you at your grandpa’s house?”

“I’ll go and pack up my stuff.”

“Alright. I’ll be waiting in the car.”

I watched his broad back as he returned into the car. Then I entered the house, not even looking at the contents of the kitchen, living, and dining room. I did not want to relive any painful memories. I went into my room and packed several belongings, most of which were clothing. Leaving the room in the same mess as it was before, as well as the house, I locked the white door for the last time.

Goodbye, Gramps.

Still: PrologueWhere stories live. Discover now