The Bad Boy's Best Friend

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Olivia Anderson had been living in United States all her life, but she was compelled to shift to Britain when she was thirteen, by her parents. Much to her grief, that meant being separated from her beloved best friend, Jared Adrian Taylor. What happens when she returns four years later? Does Jared remember her? Does she remember him? Is the bad boy's best friend still his best friend??



"Andy! Jared stole my candies!" Ten year old Olivia Anderson exclaims, almost petrified at the thought of her food being stolen.

"Jared" Andrew Taylor, Jared Taylor's father says, in a stern tone.

"But dad she stole my action figures last week and you didn't scold her!" Jared stated, while his candy-filled hands sprawled in the air.

"You stole my Disney underwear so I took your action figures!" Olivia shouted and Andrew laughed.

"Alright stop it now, both of you share the candies or else I will eat them" Andrew said, causing the kids to frown and sigh in defeat as they walked to the backyard of Jared's house.

They sat down on the grass in the yard, and were giggling and eating candies when Jared said, "Livvie you're my bestest friend in the whole world"

Olivia took a bite of her candy bar, and then said, "whaf duh yoo wanf?"

"You sound like those tiny men in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!" Jared said, and laughed.

"NO! I DONT! I asked, what do you want" Olivia said, in a matter-of-fact flair.

"Can't a man tell his best friend that she is the bestest?" he asked and she shook her head and he said , "Okay I want more candy" he admitted, and she smiled.

"Here" she said and handed three to him. He smiled wide and said, "you are the bestest Livvie, don't ever leave us"

"Okay" Olivia said, though she had no clue why he was being so serious, as she munched on her last candy bar


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