Chapter Fourteen

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Mike had driven Olivia to the emergency room, where she was immediately taken to get cleaned up and get an MRI scan.

The doctor had told Mike that she probably had a brain hemorrhage, which was the brain bleeding because of a strong hit on something.

Mike didn't know if she hit her head at any point recently.

He didn't know anything.

That's when he decided he has to call someone who did. He took his cell and called Ashley.

"Hello?" Ashley's voice could be heard on the receivers end

"Ash, Mike here, we are in the emergency room, could you guys hurry up and get here?"

"What's going on? Don't tell me she dropped a bowling-"

"It's serious Ash, her nose was bleeding, the doctor thinks her brain is bleeding because of some hit on her head. Did anything happen recently?"

"She did bump into a wall at school but it didn't seem to be violently hard. Is she gonna be okay?"

"I don't know."

"We'll be there in ten" Ashley replied and cut the call. Mike knew she sounded shaky, almost as if she was going to cry anytime soon.

I didn't even know she hit her head on a damn wall.

"Well, according to the scans on our computer monitor she doesn't seem to have a hemorrhage, so we don't exactly know what's causing the bleeding yet." The doctor informed Mike

"My friend told me she hit her head on a wall at school today but it wasn't hard" Mike said, hoping desperately that it could help.

"I just handle the emergency ward, we are shifting her to the general ward, they will be able to detect what's wrong faster."

Mike just nodded and watched Olivia being taken on a wheelchair into a different ward. He sat down beside her bed.

I'm a terrible boyfriend.

"Mike, I'm sure it's nothing, don't be so tense please" Olivia attempted to cheer him up.

She didn't know what was wrong with her but she didn't like the fact that it was causing trouble to someone other than her.

"Hi, I'm Doctor Joseph, just have some routine questions to ask you" A doctor told Olivia. She nodded. Just then Jared and Ashleigh walked in, in search of her.

"Gosh Olivia what the hell " Jared said, taking a sigh of relief seeing her awake. Ashleigh just told him that her brain was bleeding because of the wall hit and the way she was crying had terrified him.

"What are you guys doing here?" Olivia asked and Mike said, "I called them here, they know more information about you than I do. I barely knew about your run into the wall and I don't even know your blood group"

Ashley looked at Dr.Joseph and said, "Is she alright?"

"I still have to ask her some questions" he responded. They nodded and then Dr.Joseph said, "Do you have any medical history?" To which Olivia replied negative.

"Did you have any headaches after you bumped into the wall?"


"Was it severe or mild?"

"It was pretty bad but not intolerable" 

"Have you had such or worse headaches in the past few months?"


"Have you had any physical changes? Loss of appetite, Loss of weight, Menstrual cycle changes or any of the sort?"

Olivia was about to say no when Jared said, "She has had a loss of appetite, we always shout at her for not eating"

"She did mention her period being irregular and much more painful than usual as well" Ashleigh added.

"And remember when her favorite dress became a bit too baggy on her and She blamed the maid for stretching it out?" Jared asked Ashleigh

"Her sleep cycle is messed too" Ashleigh stated.

"And she gets tired very easily from the past month or so" Jared said and Olivia said , "Alright that's enough, you guys are exaggerating it now"

Dr.Joseph looked with a worried expression at Olivia and said, "Olivia I need you to answer truthfully, have you been having all these troubles that your friends stated?"

"Yes, but it isn't as bad as they stated, I do get sleep but sometimes I chose to watch shows on Netflix, it isn't painful. The exhaustion is probably because of the our studies, we have our finals coming soon so"

"Alright, I just need to check something, can you show me your arm?" He asked.

She nodded and extended her arm, and he looked at Jared and said, "See these bruises here? How long have they been coming Olivia?"

"About three months or so? When I get tickled or pinched or hit it bruises. Guess my skin is sensitive or something?"

The doctor nodded, then asked them to excuse him. Jared ran after him and said, "You have an idea about what this is don't you?"

"I can't tell you until I confirm it " he said

"Please, I won't tell them. I just need to know" Jared Pleaded.

Dr.Joseph sighed and said, "They are all symptoms, nose bleeds, bruises, loss of appetite, exhaustion and fatigue, change in sleeping patterns and Menstrual cycle, all of it are symptoms that have been there for months that none of you noticed. "

"Symptoms of what?" Jared asked, beginning to feel anger towards himself.

"I'm not sure, I'm just a general doctor, not a specialist, but I have a hunch, It isn't a good one though. I'll  be referring her to an Oncologist who can look into this and get a clearer picture. "

"Oncologists are Cancer specialists" Jared said, his face grim, with a look of realization.

"Liv might have cancer."

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