Chapter Eleven

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"JJ please talk to me!"


"Why not?"

"Why did you let David kiss you?"

"Because i love him J!"

"But he isn't approved yet! you need my approval first Liv!"

"I'm sorry."

"You really love him?"

"I'm going to marry him someday"

"Okay then, I approve"


"Oh c'mon Olivia, give it a chance at least" Ashleigh sighed towards Olivia.

Ashleigh was trying to make Olivia wear a cute dress for her 'date' with Mike. Olivia on the other hand, had other plans.

"Are you kidding? This is the last Harry Potter movie girl I'm wearing all my merch and geeking out today!" Olivia replied, smiling at the mirror at her appearance.

She was wearing Black skinny jeans, A white button down with Hufflepuff tie and black robes that she purchased from the Universal Studios in Orlando when she went on the Harry Potter studio tour. The robe was purchased when she was fourteen, thus evidently being a little shorter than usual. But she completed the look with the Hufflepuff Scarf, and let her hair down. She loved her look.

"At least let me style your hair a li'l?" Ash asked softly and Olivia smiled and said, "Okay but I don't want any kinda updo. Leaving it down keeps my neck warm in that freezer hell of a theater"

Ashleigh laughed and said, "Sure" and proceeded to comb, tease, braid and hairspray all over Olivia's hair, enough to almost choke her.

She had done a waterfall braid hairstyle on Olivia's hair. It suited the look pretty well and Olivia smiled in approval.

She then put a little eyeliner and mascara, and lip gloss and then wore her black converses and grabbed her black sling bag.

"Ready to go!" She smiled and Ashleigh said, "You do look cute, he's totally gonna love it. When you come back I need all the details okay?"

Olivia rolled her eyes and said, "This isn't a date Ash" and headed out. 

She reached downstairs and opened her door, grabbing her car keys, she walked to her car when she heard someone say , "I was gonna pick you up you know? But hey, loving the PuffPride"

She spinned around on her heels to find Mike standing right behind her, in Slytherin merch of his own.

"You don't look like a bad snake yourself."

'What the Frick did I just say. She thought, Mentally scolding herself for being such a dork.

"Umm, thanks. So we go in my car or yours? I suggest mine since it's already on the road, plus it's blocking your car from coming out anyway"

She nodded and said, "Yeah sure" and they walked to the car.

It had been over an hour of sitting in the theater when she felt his arm around her neck. It wasn't like she felt uncomfortable, it felt rather nice actually, but she didn't understand what this was.


"I totally hated the way they depicted Voldemort's death!" Olivia exclaimed in the car while Mike was driving her back home.

"I hated that Harry didn't fix his wand." He replied.

"I mean seriously!? Voldemort was supposed to die like a normal human being to show that no matter how powerful, he was still mortal!"

"I wonder what wand Harry uses now though "

"And what the hell was that flying around scene !? And Harry's glasses didn't come off after free falling from the top of a Hogwarts balcony wow!" She said and rolled her eyes.

There was a moment of silence, followed by loud eruptions of laughter.

"You know, I had a lot of fun tonight." Mike said and smiled.

"I did too." Olivia said.

Mike parked right behind Olivia's car and walked her home. Just when they reached the driveway mike said, " It would be great if we could do this again sometime you know."

"I'd like that" she said and bit her lip, noticing how he was leaning in closer.

'Is he going to kiss me!?' She wondered.

Just when she began leaning in too,

"Oh umm, hey, sorry, I didn't mean , uh, shit."

Olivia and Mike jumped away from each other to see Jared standing near the stairs of her porch, obviously feeling extremely awkward.

"Jared! What are you doing here?" She asked

"You have that project to submit day after, I came to help with the artwork for it" he replied.

"Umm, well, i'll be leaving now, Have fun with the project Ollie" Mike said, he then shook hands with Jared and said, "Nice to see you after so long dude" and turned around, kissed Olivia's cheek and said, "I'll catch you in school yeah? Bye" and walked away

"Did he just kiss my cheek?"

"Yup" Jared replied, popping the P.

"Oh. Okay. Come in, we've got work to do." Olivia said, Trying to hide her flushed cheeks.

"So, it was a date?" Jared said while walking in.

"I guess it was." Olivia replied and gave a goofy smile.


"So he was about to kiss you, and Jared interrupted, and so he just kissed your cheek in front of Jared and walked away?"

"Umm, yeah?"

"And did he give any signs that he's into you in the theater?"

"I don't know I was too busy crying."

"Why were you crying?"

"Well, Fred died. And Remus and Tonks died. And Hermionie and Ron finally kissed, And I don't know okay"

"Olivia you knew they were going to die you've read the books."

"I cried anyway okay? Sue me."

"Geez don't get your panties in a twist."

Olivia rolled her eyes and stared at the ceiling. Her projects were done, her friendship with her best friends were fine, and somehow a guy had managed to get her infatuated with him.

"So you're into him?"

"I don't know Ash. Like he's really cute, and has the most adorable dimples, and his eyes are so beautiful, but I don't know if I'm into him yet."

"Well give it time. Spend some time with him in school and stuff, who knows, maybe the two foreign travelling teens were destined to be" Ashleigh said, in a dramatic voice.

"This isn't a movie or a romance novel or something you find on that smutpad of yours."


"That app you use to read fanfiction, Wattpad"

"Hey, Wattpad is a sacred ritual to every fangirls life alright. Don't even dare " Ashleigh hissed.

Olivia just giggled and said, " You really think he's into me?"

"Are you kidding me he almost kissed you, AND kissed your cheek AND said you should do this again sometime AND said he's 'catch you' at school.
HOW MANY MORE SIGNS DO YOU NEED WOMAN" Ashleigh asked, Emphasizing on the 'and' and throwing a pillow at Olivia.

"I don't know, it just feels too good to be true you know?"

"Give it a chance at least." Ash said

"Well, okay. I guess I can do that."

"That's my girl"

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