Chapter One

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The sound of a zip being closed could be heard, followed by a sigh. The source of the sigh was seventeen year old Olivia, who had just finished packing her last suitcase. 

She was finally returning home.

"Olivia, are you done honey?" Margaret Anderson, Olivia's mother asked, as she walked in the room.

"Yup" Olivia responded.

"Alright, get some sleep. Our flight is at 3 A.M. I'll wake you up then, okay? Goodnight sweetie"
Her mother smiled, kissing her forehead and walking out.

"Mom close the door!" Olivia said, whilst walking into her closet to make sure she didn't leave anything.

She walked out, impressed at her packing skills.She only took four hours, which was a shocker considering the amount of stuff she owned, and rolled her eyes when she saw the door was still open.

'Why do people never close the damn door' she wondered, while closing the door and falling onto her bed. It was 11 p.m. already, and she knew she had to get some sleep, but she was too excited. She was returning home, to her old school, her old friends, to Jared and Ashleigh and Drew.

She lay on her bed, staring at the ceiling, wondering if her friends were the same.

'Is Jared still shorter than me? Was Ashleigh still the same little munchkin who loved chocolate cupcakes? Would people recognize me? Was I the same to them?'

Soon she found herself dozing off.

Not a few hours later, she was drenched.

"Mom!" She shouted, coughing loudly.

"You weren't waking up!" Her mom said, raising her hand up and shrugging in her defense.

"It's 2 a.m. I'm gonna catch a cold this way! Push me out of  bed instead next time, will ya?" Olivia exclaimed, and her mother grinned in response and said,"I delayed waking you up as much as I could, now hurry up, dad and I are ready to leave, if you don't hurry we will leave you here and go."

Olivia shook her head, grinning as she went to get ready, she was going home. Finally.


Olivia woke up with a groan, finding herself on the aisle of the airplane, which was almost empty

"What the hell" she said, rubbing her head and looking at her mom, puzzled.

"You told me to push you off if you don't wake up" she replied and she walked out of the plane.

She heard her father, Joseph, chuckle, and quickly grabbed her backpack and walked out.

'Welcome home Livvie' she thought and followed her parents.


"Dad! I need help setting my cupboard right, its wobbly!" Olivia shouted.

"I should have just been a carpenter with the amount of things I fix in this place!" Her dad said and she smiled.

"It's good to be home isn't it?" He asked, and she nodded in excitement, while she unpacked her clothes back into her old closet.

"Did you meet Jared yet? I haven't heard from Andy in quite a while, probably eight months now" Olivia's father said.

Olivia snorted.

'I haven't heard from Jared for three years dad'

"Umm not yet, I'm gonna go now actually, is that okay?" She asked.

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