Chapter 12

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•Song of the day: Gone Gone Gone by Phillip Phillips•

*Mia's pov*

I can't believe that I just admitted to Liam that I have feelings for him. This is the best feeling that I've had in a while, I just don't know how to describe it. It's a mix between freaking happy and overkill joyous. When he picked me up and showered me in kisses, I felt like the luckiest person in the world. Liam Payne was now going to be mine.

After Liam dropped me off at home, I had to call Lita and tell her, before Liam got to her. She answered on the third ring. 

"H-hello?" She whispered into the phone. 

"Lita? Why are you whispering?" 

"He's going to find me. Help me!" 

Who's going to find her? This better not be a damn joke.  

"Who Lita? Who is going to find you?" I was getting worried, she didn't reply back. 

"Lita? LITA!?!?" I was screaming into the receiver. 

"He's gone, oh my Mia! Louis is crazy!" She sound scared. 

"What are you talking about?" 

"He stalked me to the grocery store!" 

"How don't you know it wasn't an accident?" 

"It couldn't be. He started questioning me like a mad man." 

"Tell me what happened!" I ordered. 

"Well, first we had sex this morning, and then I left him there, and then I went to the store to get some lunch, and I ran into Harry, you remember him? Well, he wants me and him to get together soon and catch up. And when I left I was walking to my car and Louis came out of no where. I thought it was an accidental bump in again. I was asking him what he was doing here and he just started questioning me about Harry, and then he started yelling, so I ran back into the store to get alway from him. And he followed me, but I went into the bathroom to hide from him. Then he left." 

"Do you want me to come over?" 

"No, please don't tell Liam either. And I'm going out tomorrow, to go talk to Andy and see what he knows about Louis." 

"Please be careful, Lita." 

"I will."  

"I finally told Liam that I have feelings for him." 

"That's great!" I can hear her smile through the phone, "I'm at Liam's now, I'll text you later." 

"Love you!" 

"And I love you Mia." 

Oh my gosh! What have I done. I'm so pissed off at myself. I should've not had Lita leave with Louis, I knew he was trouble. Just not stalker trouble. I need to do my research on this kid. 

I pull out my laptop and search the Sheriff inquiries: Louis Tomlinson. 

I was horrified with what I saw! 


'Attempt robbery' 



'Assault on law enforcement' 

'Possession of drug' 


And the most recent is a warrant out for his arrest... 'Rape'! 

I need to warn Lita! She's dealing with a powerful man...


Here is a short update, now you know about Louis, tell me what you think. Lets just say, there is A LOT more to the story then here.  

Please vote/comment!

-Lita_Red <3

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