Chapter 22

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•Songs Of The Day: Somebody To Love by Queen & Somewhere Over The Rainbow by Ismael Kamakawiwo'ole•

*Lita's pov*

We left the house and were on our way to a clinic downtown. I'm not going to lie, I was scared shitless! But with Harry there by my side I knew everything was going to be alright, like my parents said, "it only gets better."

We pull up to a nice stuccoed building, about five stories tall, the outside smelt of fresh cut grass and daisies, but the inside smelt of alcohol and rubber gloves. I hated the smell of doctor's offices. Not only did they smell, but weird random people were always in the waiting areas. See in my case of being raped, I was taken back to see a doctor immediately. The doctor was an older lady, maybe about 45, her thick black hair pulled up into a bun, a white lab coat covered her nice pink blouse complimented by her designer black slacks. Doctors made a hella lot of money, I can say I envied her style. "Okay, Ms. Matthews, I understand you were raped." I nodded in agreement. "Okay, we are going to do a series of test, we also have to call a detective in to study your case."


"Oh, please call me Susie." She said with a warm smile, I returned the smile.

"Okay, Susie, I know who did this to me, he is already in custody." She looked shocked at what I said.

"Okay, Ms. Matthews, we'll start on the test now, excuse me mister, you can take a seat in the waiting room while we do this, it'll be about 30 minutes."

Harry looked at me with worried eyes, I looked at the doctor and said, "Ma'am, I mean Susie, he will stay here by my side. This is my boyfriend." I didn't regret saying it, I didn't need to convince myself that it was a lie either. I then grabbed Harry's hand and he brought our morphed hands to his mouth and gave me a small peck on the back of my hand.

"Okay then, I'll send a nurse in here. And find the number to call Detective Benson." She said as she walked off. Not many minutes later an old lady, dressed in scrubs came through the door with a cart full of instruments and a nice camera. She instructed me to stand behind a curtain and strip down to nothing, then slip on a gown that showed my butt. Harry let out a slight chuckle as I scurried my way back to the bed in the room, trying not to expose my bottom to the world.

After thirty torturous minutes of taking pictures, CAT scans, X-rays, and examining my female parts I was finished and dressed. I was now moved to an office, two big leather chairs adjacent to a huge oak desk, behind the desk sat Susie. Harry and I took a seat in the big chairs and Susie began to speak.

"Well, Lita, you are lucky to have come in today, if you would have waited any longer you would have been in some trouble."


"Yes, you had some tearing in your uterus, and some scaring in the cavity. Whoever did this to you, hurt you badly. But," she paused, " with some surgery you'll be fine. You'll still be able to have children, and be productive." I let out a sigh of relief. I then scheduled an appointment with Susie's secretary to get my operation. And as Harry and I were leaving, and woman in a black leather coat walked up to us. "Lita? I'm Detective Benson. Doctor Susie called and said you were raped?" I nodded to the mid-aged woman.

"Detective, Louis Tomlinson is the guy who raped me. He is currently being held in jail. They found him, plotting to kill me. If you need anymore information give me a call, I have a bed calling my name." I let out a giggle and wrote my number down on a price of paper for the Detective. I then left and Harry took me to his place.

When we got there, his place was a mess. I mean, clothes were in his living room, soda and beer cans covered his bedroom floor, the trash looked like it had not been taken out in weeks.

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