Chapter 14

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•Song of the day: Natalie by Bruno Mars•

*Harry's pov*

I've been waiting over 30 minutes for Lita to be finished. It gave me some time to think, but too much time. I head back over to where Lita's parents' stones were, and Lita wasn't there. "Lita?" "LITA?" I kept calling out her name, no answer. How could she have just left me here? I look around the ground, to see if she'd drop something, and sure enough, her keys were laying on the floor. I picked them up and put them in my pocket, I pulled my phone out and tried to call her. The call went straight to voicemail, several times. I was getting nervous. I got to my car and she wasn't there. I was left with nothing else to do then to call Liv.  


"Liv, I need your help." 


"I need to talk to Zayn! Now!" I'm getting angry with her stalling. I don't want to talk to her, I need to talk to Zayn! 

"He's not in right now, hold on and I'll give you his cell number." 

"Hurry please?" 

"Why the rush?" 

"Stop questioning, and just give me his number." 

"Fine, damn!" I know she now knows I didn't call for her. She gave me Zayn's number, and I hung up, I heard her say something, but I didn't pay attention. I quickly dial Zayn's number, and within the second ring, he answers. 


"Zayn, it's Harry." 

"How did you get my number?" 

"Liv, that's not important. Um, have you talked to Lita?" 

"No, I haven't talked to her since we split up. Why?" 

"Because we came to see her parents, and she disappeared!" The fright in my voice increasing. 


"Yes! She told me to give her some time alone, so I walked away. I waited 30 minutes and came back and she was gone. Her keys were on the ground, and I tried to call her, but it went straight to voicemail! I don't know what to do!" I rushed out in one breath. 

"Call Liam and Mia, see if they know anything. Hold on I'll give you their numbers." 

"Alright. Thank you."  

"Just please hope she's okay. I might of hurt her, but I want her to be well." 

"I hope she's well." He gave me their numbers and we hung up. As much as I hate the guy for hurting Lita, he helped me and I thank him for that. I call Liam and Mia telling them to meet me at the cemetery, they were both really confused. I told them I'll explain everything when they got here.

*Liam's pov*

When Harry called, I was so confused. I thought he had moved away. I never forgave him for that, he was there for Lita, but he just unrooted himself and left. Leaving her hurting and in Zayn's hands. But he sounded so worried, saying something about Lita missing. So I quickly got dressed and made my way to the cemetery.  

When I got there his eyes were blood red, almost as if he was crying. Mia was walking up to him, not paying any mind to me. She ran to Harry and gave him a big hug. I quickly joined the group. Harry then started to explain what happened, and why he called us here. 

He told us how him and Lita were at the food court at the mall, everything was going great, until she got pale, as if she saw a ghost. He told us how she rushed out of the mall, and how her eyes kept looking in the mirrors to see if anyone was following. And how she just disappeared.  

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