Chapter 3

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The night went much like any other. Castiel went to his favorite bar, had a few of his favorite drinks and played a few games of his favorite game, pool then spent the next few hours walking around. He loved Denver at night. Downtown Denver, the lights, the smells, the melting pot of people and new and old buildings mixed together. In those ways it reminded him of back down south. Walking slowly back to where he had parked, he fully lost himself til he was in an unfamiliar area and way past his car. Simple fix, he thought and just turned and started retracing his steps back. He was so lost in the city that he didn't notice them at first, but he suddenly felt the hair raise on the back of his neck. That's when he noticed the footsteps. Sneaking a quick glance over his shoulder he saw the three men following him. Surely he was just being paranoid from being lost. Regardless, he quickened his pace. He wasn't scared of getting in a fight, but 3 on 1 had a surefire outcome of him NOT being the winner. He had almost convinced himself that it was all in his head when he was jerked backwards with such a force that the sidewalk knocked all the air from his lungs.

"Sorry boy, don't know my own strength" one guy chuckled at him.

Feeling his chest burn as it fought to remember how to breath, he frantically thought about how to get away.

" here, why dontcha let me hold yer wallet fer ya while ya get up" the second man laughed

The two men exchanged a smile then turned to the third man, who's physique could beat be described as resembling a small truck. He cracked his knuckles and gave Castiel a very scary smile.

" well, this is really happening" Castiel thought to himself. He knew how this worked, he would hand over whatever they wanted and hope that he didn't end up beaten to the point of needing a hospital. Bullies were the same no matter the geography. Having finally caught his breath, he was looking from one thug to another when he heard the commotion up the block.

Loud laughter and a drunken chorus of "Baby got back" came floating down the sidewalk. A small group of guys had rounded the corner and had came to a complete stop upon seeing the almost mugging.

"There you are Castiel! We've been looking for you!" Came a voice from the back of the group. He couldn't place it but he was sure he'd heard it before. The group of guys brought forth a surge of courage from Castiel

" well ya found me, wanna meet my new friends?" He asked as he lifted himself from the sidewalk and brushed off his hands. The three thugs seemed to weight their options for a moment before turning tail and running down a nearby alley.

Watching them retreat until he could no longer see them, he turned to thank his merry band of saviors, and he HAD meant to say thank you but when he opened his mouth

"Do I know you?" Came out instead. The group started looking at one another shaking their heads when the voice from the back stepped forward.

"Yeah, I'm Trouble remember? " the voice laughed.

Castiel was speechless. The work boots and faded jeans gave way to a tight black tee shirt and green hunting jacket. His face was starting to show signs of needing a good shave against his strong jaw line and plump, pink lips. His vivid green eyes were shining, even in the dark, playfully throwing him a wink (WHAT WAS THAT? Castiel thought) and then licking those wonderful lips. The beautiful man moved towards him with measured steps, extending his hand to Castiel

" I'm Dean Winchester. We haven't officially met yet"

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