Chapter 15

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Dean sat with his head in his hands, he could hear Sammy talking to the officer but he couldn't understand anything that he was saying. Castiel should have been here after his shift and when he didn't show up Dean had started calling him to no avail. Sometime around 1am the cops had showed up to inform him that Castiel's car had been found sitting abandoned at a red light not far from here. His window had been broken out and his phone, wallet, everything had been found in the car. They had also found blood but they didn't know if it belonged to Castiel or not. Fear gripped him so tight that he couldn't speak. Sammy had taken over the talking part and Jess sat on the couch with Dean patting his leg and murmuring that everything would be okay. He didn't feel like it was going to be okay. If fact he felt as far from okay as he had ever felt in his life.

"Dean?" Sammy was talking to him and there was no telling how long he had been trying to break through to him. " Dean! Come back man, do you know how to get in touch with Castiel's family. Dean shook his head, Castiel never talked to them, he didn't see what good it was to talk to them, they couldn't tell you the first thing about Castiel. Then it hit him, they didn't want to know about Castiel, they wanted to prepare his family for the possibility of him not coming home. Just the thought of him never being able to look into those blue eyes and feel his skin beneath his own hit him like a truck and Dean shot off the couch and towards the door.

" Whoa, wait up man" Sammy said and followed him towards the door where Ash and Garth had stepped in to block their path.

" Son calm down, the police are doing everything they can" The officer told him. Dean looked at him as if he was speaking in tongues and turned back to his brother.

" Sammy make them move. I am not playing, Castiel is out there and he is waiting for me to come and get him" He barked at his younger brother. He had to move, couldn't Sammy see that, he couldn't sit here doing nothing while the police acted like this wasn't the end of the world. Sammy nodded towards the guys blocking the door and they stepped to the side so he could pass. Dean was out the door and in Baby in a flash. He just couldn't do nothing. Dean spent the night going from seedy bar to a couple of fights around the area, no one he talked to had seen Castiel. As the sun began making an appearance over the horizon, Dean had parked Baby and was sitting on a bench just staring at where they had found his car. It was gone of course, but you could still see the broken glass and traces of blood strewn about in the road.

" Where are you Cas?" Dean spoke into the empty air. His phone rang and in trying to get to it he managed to drop it, " Shit, hello! Hello! Castiel?" Dean gushed into the phone, but it wasn't Castiel, it was Benny.

" Tell me something good man, I need something good right now" He said to his quiet friend. Unfortunately all Benny could tell him was more of the same he'd been getting, Nothing. It's as if he just vanished into thin air. Dean returned to driving around but really he couldn't think of anywhere else to go so he went home. Sammy had no news to give him and unless he was telling him Castiel was safe, then he had nothing to say to anyone. Nothing happened to rest of the day, or the day after, by the third day Sammy was scared he was going to have to have Dean locked up somewhere. He wasn't sleeping, he hadn't shaved or eaten since they had got the news and all that combined with the stress of not knowing had set Dean on an edge so thin that the only person who could handle being around him was Benny. He and Dean were getting ready to walk out the door and make the same rounds they had been making for days when the apartment door shook with a thundering knocking.

" Dean! Dean!" he could hear the high voice calling to him, crossing over to rip the door open, Dean saw Meg standing breathless in front of him, her eyes red and swollen and a familiar fearful look in her wild eyes.

" Meg" he said grabbing her and walking her inside to sit on the couch. He directed Sammy to bring her something to drink and when he saw the soda in his little brothers hand he growled " Something stronger brother" and turned his full attention back to the shaken Meg.

" Meg talk to me" He cooed at her. Sure they couldn't stand each other but they both loved Castiel with everything they had. The icy hand gripping Deans heart squeezed. If she was like this then nothing good was coming out of her mouth. Meg downed the glass of bourbon Sammy had offered her and upon draining it looked right at Dean " They found him. Dean they found him." was all she said and he felt his world stop moving entirely. If they had found him that was a good thing. He was safe and Dean could go to him...but if he was safe then Meg wouldn't be in this kinda shape. He took her hands in his own " Meg, tell me. Where is he?" he said, trying to keep the tremor out of his voice.

" He at the hospital but they wont let anyone in to see him yet. His brothers are there and his dads on his way, oh but Dean" she broke off, tears overcoming her once more. " Dean he wont wake up" she cried into his arms, letting him catch her as she finally seemed to give up trying to hold it in. " They have him and the officer said that they could hardly tell who he was, he was beaten so badly. He wont wake up. That's all that I was able to find out. Oh God Dean he has to be okay" She cried. Dean held her and let her cry into him, never noticing that his own eyes had begun to leak until he felt Sammy's hand on his shoulder.

" Come on Dean, I'll drive you both to the hospital" Sammy said quietly. Dean nodded, gathering the crying Meg up in his arms and walking her to the car, never letting go of each other as Sammy drove them towards the unknown.

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