Chapter 32

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Castiel sat there just staring at Deans closed door from the couch. For a few moments no one had said anything, then they beginning talking in hushed tones. They were all bouncing between being upset over his outburst and what it could mean for him, to being sympathetic to him feeling responsible for Castiels injury. They tried including him into the conversation but he didn't have anything to say to anyone right now. He was busy trying to figure out how he was feeling.

Did he wonder if Crowley was telling the truth? Yes. Was he worried about what Dean was going to have to face if charges were pressed? Yes. Was he scared of Dean? No. Did he think it was stupid that Dean blamed himself for Castiels attack? Yes, that was just stupid. Why did Dean think this? Why did he shut himself away from everyone? What could Castiel do to make this better? The last question played over and over again in his mind. He knew that he should feel something towards Crowley with the claim to his attack, but he just couldn't. Not being able to remember anything helped with the numbness in that area.

After about an hour of mindlessly listening to everyone replay the night over and over, Castiel finally got up and walked to Deans door, knocking softly

" Dean, can I come in?" Castiel asked nervously. He was hoping that he had given Dean enough time to cool off a little and get his thoughts together but maybe not.

Castiel waited before knocking again.

"Dean? I'm coming in..." Castiel said as he slowly turned the knob....

Whatever he had been expecting, it wasn't this. The closet door was opened and Deans clothes were gone, drawers were hanging and partially empty and Deans window was wide open, a chilling breeze blowing in.

Not quite processing what he was seeing Castiel stepped farther into Deans room.

"Dean?" Castiel whispered, the realization that there was not going to be an answer settled over him and the weight was unbearable. Stumbling backwards, into the living room, Castiel turned, all eyes on him as the last of the blood seem to leave his head.

"He's gone."

" He's so gone." Castiel cried as the blackness swallowed him, giving him a slight reprieve from his breaking heart. 

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