Chapter 18

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The next week passed by in a blur. It had been Thursday when they had found him and by the following Wednesday there had been no change. At night Dean slept at the hospital, head on Castiels bed. The nurses had offered to bring him in a cot but he had declined. He would rather be uncomfortable and touching him. During the day he stayed at Castiel's apartment, letting his presence embrace him. He blew off school and work. He could always go back to school and jobs were there if you looked, but never would he ever find another Castiel. Every moment was filled with the blue eyed boy. On Wednesday when the nurses told him that he couldn't stay because they would be running test all night, Dean stayed at his own apartment. He got so rip roaring drunk that Benny and Ash had to help him to bed, as Dean rambled on and on about blue eyes and what it sounded like to pull heaven down. Friday night he headed to the hospital, basically moving on auto pilot, to spend another night willing Castiel to wake up. He was in the waiting room talking to Meg when Gabriel rushed in,

" He's awake!" he told them, stopping to catch his breath.

" They made me leave the room so they could examine him and I called my dad and Michael and they are on their way here now." Gabriels face revealed all the worry he'd been feeling as it crumpled and was replaced by relief.

Deans mind was chanting " He's awake" and his heart was racing. It was taking every ounce of will power he had not to run to Castiel right now. Meg was doing something between laughing and crying when the doctor walked into the room. As if they had been electrocuted, Dean and Gabriel shot out of their chairs.

" Mr. Novak, Mr. Winchester." The older man started " Castiel is awake but he's having some problems remembering things. This could be caused by any number of things. He has gone through a tremendous ordeal and his body is trying to repair itself inside and out. To be honest I am not that surprised. It's not something I am going to worry about to much unless it persists. If you would like you can go back and see him now, but please remember to be patient with him" The doctor told them.

Thanking him the three of them made their way to Castiel's room. Dean felt like his heart was fixing to explode right out of his chest. All he could think about was that on the other side of this door was the love of his life and he was going to be okay. Castiel was sitting up in bed but the lighting was still the solitary lamp in the corner.

"Gabriel, Meg" Castiel said in a low rough voice. He sounded so small.

" My unicorn" Meg cried moving in and putting her arms around his neck. He was patting her back as she cried, shushing her quietly but allowing her to cry.

" Castiel" was all Gabriel said, but he moved to sit beside his brother, who was comforting the crying girl. The looked at each other for a long time, and then Gabriel spoke " I am so glad you are awake little brother. Don't ever do that again please"

In the low light, Dean could see Castiel smile and he knew exactly how much that had meant to him. Finally turning to look at him, Dean was speechless. There was so much he wanted to say and he had no idea where to start.

" Hey Cas" Was what his brain chose to lead with, he cringed inside.

Castiel was looking at him in a peculiar way, head tilted just eyeing him. Finally he spoke and when he did Deans world shattered.

" Who are you?"

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