Chapter 12

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Meg, Dean and Castiel stood awkwardly at the front door as she looked from one boy to the other, " Well Cassie?" she inquired

" Ummmm, I am here for the party" he said, casting a quick glance at Dean and then back to his oldest friend.

"You two are friends?" she asked shaking her finger between them" that's...interesting" she finished.

Dean let out a full bodied laugh and just shook his head.

" Why is that funny to you? Cassie and I have been friends for years and you aren't known for being a nice guy ya know. Why don't you run along and talk to your man servant let the grown ups talk" she snapped at Dean and it was obvious there was no love lost between these two. She turned back to Castiel and you could see her drag her eyes from one man to another and you could almost hear an audible click when realization reached her eyes.

" Him? This is the guy you have been talking about for a month now? Dean Winchester? oh Cassie" she said looking directly at her friend.

" Awww, I love you too princess" Dean snarled before excusing himself to go and join Benny in a beer. leaving Castiel alone with the very wired up Meg.

" Castiel how the hell did you end up here with him? Last I heard you hadn't seen him since Denver, and boy oh boy I wish I had known it was him and I would've told you to run" She railed at her friend.

Castiel gave her the short version of the last 24 hours and the even shorter version of their misunderstanding.

" What's the big deal Meggie? He is amazing! What have you got against him?" He asked. " Oh, nothing really except for he is a world class asshole and quite the Casanova. His favorite game seems to be love em and leave em. I just never expected to see you with him. Please be careful." she told him as Jess squealed and motioned for her to come over. Apparently Jess and Meg had been friends since birth, what with their parents being friends.

Dean looked to be in a serious conversation with Benny so Castiel took up a spot in the living room near Sammy and began talking while Jess and Meg were laughing over something that happened years ago. More and more people were showing up and before he knew it the party was in full swing. Someone had set up a game of beer pong and people were cheering Ash and Garth on as their race kept heating up and the smack talk got thick. Castiel had relaxed and was actually enjoying himself. Every now and then he would look around the room and spy Dean telling jokes or having an arm wrestling match in the kitchen. Someone pulled out Cards Against Humanity and hilarity ensued. Castiel couldn't remember the last time he had laughed so much. It was bugging him that Dean hadn't said one word to him since they showed up, or even attempted to come and speak with him, but he wasn't going to follow him around like a puppy dog. After awhile the party started winding down and the guests were leaving in twos and threes. Garth was passed out in a bean bag chair in the corner with what seemed to be cornflakes super glued to his arms. Ash had fallen asleep on the couch and was snoring loudly and ever so often Castiel was sure he was barking in his sleep. Dean and Benny were hunched over the dining table, staring so intently at a chess board that it was sure to catch fire any minute. Sammy and Jess had gone to bed earlier and so Meg and Castiel settled in to play Mario Kart. Normally he was pretty good at this game, but tonight was not one of those nights.

"You okay Cassie?" Meg asked him after watching him drive off rainbow road again. Swearing under his breathe he set his controller down and leaned into his friend" He hasn't said one word to me all night." he told her quietly.

"Oh Cassie" she replied. " I just don't understand him. He blows hot, he blows cold, I am getting whiplash here. It's like he's two people. I mean HE wanted to see ME tonight. I didn't ask him out" he told his oldest friend. " Am I a game? I mean Meg, last night, he was totally different. Tender, attentive, sweet. I am just confused" he finished.

"I know hun, Dean Winchester is a grade A asshole, I don't know what you see in him" She told him " I told you he didn't have the greatest reputation in the dating department. I have never seen him with the same person twice, I don't think anyone has. He's more of a one hit wonder if you know what I mean" she continued, taking his hand in hers and holding it like when they were kids. " Let me give you a ride home, or better yet let's have a slumber party at my place. We'll get in our pj's and eat too much ice cream and binge watch that one show on Netflix. You know the one, about the brothers who hunt monsters, I know it's your favorite" she said smiling at him. This was why he loved her. She was the biggest bitch he had ever met to everyone but him. She called him her unicorn and treated him like one too. He smiled at her, loving her so much in this moment. She was only trying to help. He was seriously considering it when Dean walked over and held his hand out to Castiel, not even acknowledging Meg.

"Dance with me" he asked in that smooth voice that reminded Castiel of raw honey.

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