Chapter 24

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"Cassie" The voice called out, breaking the moment between the two men. Castiel turned to see Meg standing a few feet away, watching them with a concerned look.

" Castiel I should probably get back, I promised another fight tonight. Will you stay?" Dean asked him as he started back towards the party. Castiel had calmed down physically but inside he was still breathless.

"Yes, I'll stay" he answered. Dean winked at him and returned to the party. Castiel could feel the blush warm his cheeks and the goofy smile spread. Looking back to Meg his smile vanished as he saw the fire in her eyes.

"Just what do you think you are doing Cassie?" She demanded. Her voice was full of disapproval.

"I... what do you mean? I told you I wanted to talk to him and now I am." He told her, but even to him it sounded like a lie.

Crossing her arms and doing her best angry mom impersonation she scolded him

" You said you wanted to TALK to him, not grope him. I get it you are fascinated by him, but he is in love with you Cassie and you can't be reckless with his heart. You haven't asked about him at all so you couldn't possibly know what its taken to get him to where he is now. A lot of friends offering a lot of help. He's barely started healing. Don't break his heart twice."

Castiel could feel the shame was over him. It had felt exciting and new to feel Deans arms around him but for Dean it had a completely different meaning. She was right, he was infatuated with the green eyed boy who was in love with him. He had to be careful and not lead him on. Castiel knew he had to be more careful. He followed Meg back to the party but he felt awful and wanted to go home. He had promised Dean he would stay for his next fight but now he was thinking that wasn't the best idea yet. He told Meg he wanted to leave but he had to tell Dean that he was leaving. Trying to show her that he had listened to what she said and was going to be more cautious in the future.

Finding Dean surrounded by a group of guys that Castiel had recently met again, he thought he knew their names. The tall one with long hair was Deans brother Sammy. Then there was Ash talking to a quirky looking man named Garth, and beside Dean was a surly looking man named Benny. They all saw him walking up and each man quit talking. Feeling very put on the spot Castiel just blurted out,

"I am heading home, I have to be at the college early tomorrow to take back over my class. I just wanted to tell you Good Luck and all."

Well that was about as smooth as sandpaper, he thought to himself and turned to walk away before his face got any redder.

"Wait" Dean called to him, jogging to catch up with him.

"Wait. Please. Did I do something wrong?" Dean asked him, grabbing his arm to keep him from walking away. Castiel signed and turned to him. He knew that he was going to have to explain himself.

"No, no you are fine. I really do have to be back at the college in the morning and I honestly, I need to go slow with you. I mean I want to get to know you but let's face it, I am completely distracted by you that I can't think straight. I think we should just ease into this friendship. Cause that's all we are, friends. " Castiel told him.

Deans eyes lit up and he leaned over and put his lips against Castiels ear " I distract you do I?" He whispered in his ear. Castiel felt his entire body ignite and thankfully Meg was there to pull him back from the flame.

"Dean Winchester don't make me sorry I defended you." She barked at the laughing boy.

" I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself. Really though I understand and I will try my hardest to be a good boy." Dean said, then after catching a bewildered look from Meg he added "What? I said I'd try. That's a lot coming from me." And then winking at Castiel he turned and returned to the group of guys who had been watching the whole thing. 

Castiel allowed Meg to drag him back to the car and drive him home, grumbling about how they were both stupid boys who were bound and determined to live in a hurricane. He only halfway listened to her rant during the drive and as he was falling into bed he let him mind play back the memory of the evening. Finally an actual memory of the man who had occupied his thoughts, and it left him wanting more. 

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