Chapter 26

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Castiel resumed teaching with only a few bumps, mostly interacting with the students. They were all kind and helpful but it was frustrating. He was talking to Ash after his class, he could understand his friendship with him, they had a lot in common, when Dean walked in his class. His green eyes lit up when they landed on Castiel. They hadn't seen each other since the fight, but they had been talking on the phone everyday and Castiel was slowly losing his nervous feeling around him.

"Afternoon boys, Ash you ready to go?" Dean asked never his taking his eyes off Castiel. He did that a lot, Castiel noted, just stared at him like he was never going to see him again. He probably did feel that to some degree, Castiel thought, after what had happened between them. Dean had been great so far, he answered any questions he had, no matter how embarrassing or uncomfortable. They had talked about how they met and Castiel felt like he was watching a beautiful story unfold in front of his eyes. Dean has shared with him a few of his memories that Castiel could tell he cherished. Once they had taken the Cog railway up to the top of Pike's Peak and Castiel's ears had popped so bad that he could hardly hear anything Dean said the entire time they were gone. Dean had eventually started miming things to him and then the whole car got in on it and a game of charades broke out. Then another time they had been walking through the Garden of the Gods when they passed the horse guided tour, one of the horses had taken itself up with Dean and they had to put blinders on it so Dean could leave without the horse following him.

Castiel asked him what their worst fight was and Dean seemed a little shy in telling him it was over a guy hitting on Castiel one night and Dean became so jealous that he hit the wall and put a hole in the sheet rock in Castiel's apartment. He had checked when he got off the phone that night and sure enough there was a hole behind his Our Lady Peace poster. According to Dean they didn't talk for a week after that and it was only when Dean came and stood outside his apartment door all night blasting songs from his iPod for hours that they finally made up. So far, Castiel couldn't see anything that he didn't like about Dean, except maybe the fact that he was in love with Castiels shadow. He had no hope in him that his memory would come back and was just trying to get his life moving forward with that blank space.

Now seeing him again was bringing up giddy feelings but not a full on panic-y feeling. Dean was still looking at him when Ash spoke up

"I was just fixing to invite Castiel but now that you are here I guess you can" Ash said to Dean, although it was obvious that neither of the other men were paying him any attention. Shaking his head he turned and left because he had no desire to watch them drool over each other any more than they already were.

"Invite me where?" Castiel asked.

Dean shifted and scratched the back of his head,

" Oh its just a get together at the apartment tonight. My friend Charlie just landed a role in Wicked that's performing in Denver and so we are throwing her a party. Would you like to come?" Dean asked him.

It took everything he had not to shout YES at him and scared the pants off of his boy. His boy. Where the hell did that come from? Something was up with him and Castiel felt bolder than usual.

" Are you asking me to go with you or just to go?" He asked.

Deans face was hard to read as he answered " Which way will get you there?"

Castiel thought about it and wanted to say anything would get him there, but he was trying to play it cool, but as soon as he opened his mouth that went out the window.

" Either" he told Dean.

" Right, so now you're my date, pick you up at six." Dean told him and then walked out of his class with a smile. 

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