Chapter 7

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His hands were starting to sweat, that was stupid.

Pulling open the door his already short breath caught in his throat. The sight of Dean standing there was enough to make his knees do their best jelly impersonation.

"Castiel! Man its been too long" Dean smiled as he greeted him like they'd known one another for years. "You ready?" He asked

Castiel held up his trench coat and keys to signal that, yes, he was ready, just apparently a mute.

He could hear Dean chuckle as he pulled his door to and followed him to Baby the impala. Just as he was reaching for the door Deans hand shot out and opened it for him" allow me" he almost purred. Castiel was sure that was a purr.

At some point you will have to talk you doof he thought as he climbed in car.

Wiping his hands on his slacks he watched as Dean slid in the car, gunned the engine, laughed and sped out onto the road.

"Thank you" Castiel finally choked out, looking over at Dean.

"My pleasure" he said then winked at Castiel and turned the radio up.

Castiel watched him sing along with Kansas and wondered if he was crazy. Or maybe Dean was nuts. Isn't that the going thing? All the beautiful ones are bonkers.

"I hear the voices when I'm dreaming" Dean sang and urged Castiel to join him.

Oh hell, while in Rome he thought and belts out the chorus "Carry on my wayward son!"he sang and actually began to relax. At the stoplight he laughed as Dean played air guitar and even joined him towards the end. After the jam session they rode quietly for awhile. Castiel had no idea where they were going, but right now, in this moment, he didn't care. He was curious though

"How did you get roped into picking me up?" He asked, another question itching to break free from his tongue. Dean laughed and said " I, uh, volunteered"

"Uh huh. How did you know where I lived? " he finally asked. None of his students had his address.

Dean made a weird face and was quite for a few minutes. Finally, scratching his head and giving him a shy smile he said "Benny got it for me" and that was it.

Well that was wildly unhelpful. He didn't really answer the question at all and Castiel had the feeling that he wouldn't go any farther into detail about it. After what seemed like an hour of silence except for the radio Dean pulled over onto a hidden dirt road and cut the car off. Castiels imagination was jumping up and down. Dean got out of the car and was opening his door for him again before Castiel could gather his thoughts.

"We have to walk from here" Dean said quietly.

"O...k..." Castiel replied, not hiding his confusion.

"Just come ON" Dean said and grabbed his hand, lacing their fingers together and began pulling him down the gravel road. The feel of Deans hand in his sent and electric shock down his spine and the butterflies grew to elephants in his stomach. Not sure what else to do he allowed Dean to guide him down the moonlit road. Surely he was going to release his hand any minute now. Castiel knew he wouldn't let go first, he was just a glutton for punishment over this boy. But Dean didn't let go. They simply walked in silence, hands intertwined. Castiel finally started to hear the party and they were almost to the clearing, only a few trees blocked their way. Dean suddenly stopped them and stood there for a second. Turning to face Castiel he held is eyes with his own as he used his free hand to lightly touch his face

"Cheer for me?" Dean asked, thumb lightly stroking Castiels jawline.

"Yes" Castiel whispered as Dean let go, dropped his hands, then turned and stepped into the clearing.

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