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Eleanor and Justin went from being the perfect couple, to having a nasty split to which Eleanor ends up pregnant and heart broken, considering the love of her life cheated on her with no remorse and only out of spite as he had misleading information.

It's been six months since their horrific split, which makes Eleanor seven months pregnant and a very happy woman who has her life in check. Well as happy as a woman can get after a huge heart break from her soul mate. The perfect job, perfect home, family and friends. She thought after Justin her world would have ended, but it only got better due to the people she surrounded herself with-- one in particular that Justin despises and completely envies. 

The predator who made the tape which caused their split will be revealed which will leave you shocked at just who the unexpected culprit is.

It took Eleanor a while to find happiness once again, but what happens when a very heartbroken Justin Bieber sees her again with a pregnant stomach? What happens when he slithers his way back into her life with a certain determination that'll either break them, or make them?

"What do I always tell you, baby? I don't ask, I demand." -Justin Bieber.

Read to find out and most importantly...Welcome to a roller coaster ride that'll leave you on the edge of your seat, begging for more.

Warning: Contains sexual references and course language.

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