Chapter 1: Six Months Later.

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Six Months Later.

Eleanor's outfit and baby bump. No she's still not played by Kim Kardashian. I just like her outfits.

Eleanor groans and turns over slowly, cursing her enormously round stomach fondly, since its constantly getting in her way during her pregnancy. She wouldn't have it any other way as it's only a positive sign. "Why do you have to make me so fat, baby?"

"Would you like me to teach you the birds and the bees baby edition?" Blake says sarcastically as he nuzzles Logan's short brown hair.

Logan giggles into Blake's chest and turns over to face Eleanor with an adorable sleepy smile. His hair was the pure definition of bed hair and his eyes puffy from sleep. His cheeks were flushed due to the body heat of all three of them but the other two were no better. "Morning, Elle Bear."

"More like mama bear," Blake whispers into Logan's ear which makes Logan grin, hoping his laugh wouldn't surface to offend Eleanor.

"Good morning," Eleanor kisses his forehead and slaps Blake's forehead, making him hiss and slap a hand to it on instinct, "now that's a good morning."

"You're such a bitch!" Blake hisses, rubbing his forehead that already had a forming mark of Eleanor's ring hitting his forehead.

The love Eleanor has for slapping people's foreheads, is too much. She finds it so fun and believes that it proves she has the maturity of a ten year old. But once again, she wouldn't have it any other way. Life was taken to seriously with people around her age when there's still so much room for fun and banter.

Plus, he can't do a damn thing to her now that she's pregnant which she uses to her advantage more than enough when it comes to him. Pregnancy wasn't as bad as mothers made it out to be... it has its perks.

Being pregnant just reminds her about how she used to be an over-weight teenager, only worst since this stomach of hers always gets in the way and there's no sucking it in. Not that she minds considering the reason being that she's carrying a child.

Logan supports her sore back as he helps her up from her king sized bed. She turns to see him sitting up as Blake wraps his muscular arms around Logan from behind so his chin rests on Logan's shoulder.

"Thanks for coming to sleep in my bed with me last night, guys." She sighs, "I was way too emotional after speaking to my mum for the first time in ages on the phone and I really needed somebody with me."

"Then I'm glad we made you laugh as much as we did last night," Blake lazily grins, "we're always here for you when you need cuddle buddies. Mostly for the bed cause damn this bed is fucking comfortable. Why did we get a normal sized double bed and you got this enormous one?"

"Because it's my apartment that I'm generous enough to have you an your boyfriend living in." She glares at him teasingly.

"Best thing you ever done was move us into this apartment, it's so much nicer than our old shitty one." Blake huffs, causing Logan to shiver. "And hey, I'm helping pay rent... Kind of."

"I know our apartment was quite shitty," she laughs, "but you gotta admit we had so many good memories in that apartment."

"Yeah," he sighs dreamily and kisses Logan's cheek fondly and longingly, "so many."

"Ew, I meant with you and I, you horny prick!" She throws a pillow at him, successfully hitting him and Logan in the process.

She waddles to her closet as Blake carries a giggly Logan to go make breakfast. She smiles at their retrieving figures in awe but she holds envy in regards to what they have. She wouldn't be surprised if Blake pops the question soon. They're attached at the hip and completely inseparable. Although her envy did not make her negative towards them, more so fond, if anything. Maybe envy was too negative, maybe she was saddened at not being able to have what they do but again she was happy for them.

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