Chapter 2: Business Management

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Business Management.

Justin's little pups in the image.

Flashback to six months ago.

When the elevator goes up Eleanor's heart skips a beat and she wonders if it's because she's closer to seeing Justin or if it's because of the elevator moving.

She may be nervous but the smile on her face won't stay away due to her excitement of seeing Justin and telling him the great news.

Truth is, she's missed him dearly over the past two days. All she wants to do is see him and give him the biggest hug and kiss. And as soon as she opens his door, she's going to run in and attack him into that hug she craves.

She steps off of the elevator and takes a deep and calming breath. She opens her eyes and smiles as she begins walking over to his door.

She opens it and looks around to see the front room empty. She walks in, softly closing the door incase he's asleep.

She walks in deeper to the penthouse but stops dead in her tracks when she reaches the living room, her smile instantly dropping along with her heart.

Justin slips his member out of the unknown woman and puts the her beside him. He gets up to get a glass of scotch while Eleanor just stands there as her eyes begin brimming with tears. She's glued to the floor as he's obliviously putting his boxers on.

He looks up and his heart sinks when he sees Eleanor standing there with wide teary eyes and flushed cheeks that are stained with her warm fresh tears.

He gulps down the bile rising in his throat and continues walking to pour some scotch in a glass, trying to ignore the look on her face that's tearing him to sherds. She deserved it.

"J-Justin?" She whimpers. "W-What'd you do?"

He closes his eyes tightly, clenching his jaw as he takes a deep breath before turning around to face her.

"Me?" He points the glass of scotch to his chest. "I just finished having great sex and cheating on my girlfriend with no remorse. You know, returning the favour since she fucked her boss!"

Eleanor gasps and clutches her chest as a cry escapes her lips. "W-What are you talking about?"

Justin scoffs a laugh at her being oblivious to what she's done behind his back and drowns the scotch. He throws the cup, breaking it against the wall as he walks up to her frightened and distraught frame. "You think I didn't see your little sex tape with Danny boy?"

"Wh- sex tape?" Her eyebrows shoot up in surprise as her heart drops to her stomach unpleasantly at such accusations being made against her. "We didn't make a sex tape! Where the hell did you get such an accusation from? It's not true!"

Justin laughs like a manic and grabs the remote to the television to turn on the sex tape he received in his mail last night.

Eleanor gasps and puts a shaky hand to her mouth as she watches Daniel kissing her sweetly and softly as he caresses her body lovingly.

"Is that or is it not you, so called girlfriend?" He growls mockingly.

"That is me," she whispers and even though Justin knew it was her, his heart still ached ten times worst when she confirmed it.

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