Chapter 6: "Mother of my grandchild."

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"Mother of my grandchild."

Imagining cutie Logan as Dylan O'Brien kills me, he's so gorgeous! Ugh anybody else heartbroken Teen Wolf is over?

Eleanor hums as she sits beside Maria whilst typing up an article for Grayson Global's magazine for this month. This month her article revolved around what had happened with Kanye West's psychotic break. She had her sources from the family who trust her to release the truth without the brutality unlike the other journalists pestering the very famous family known as the Kardashians and the Jenner's with a mix of famous love interests for each member of the family.

"Why do I have to stay in here for a couple of hours?" Maria almost whines at Nick. "I'm hungry and not for take away, for my Pisto!"

Nick sighs and strokes her hair soothingly. "You know why you're here, my love, it's for your own health and safety, and I need that to give me a sense of relaxation. As for your request on your already made food...If um...if miss Lopez does not mind...Sir Bieber may bring it as he is at home eating it as we speak."

Eleanor gulps and clenches her fists as her stomach turns at the mention of her ex. She looks at Maria who looks exhausted and damn hungry as well as desperate for the dish that Justin can only bring as his house is about an hour away from her and it takes way too long for Nick to retrieve as they will probably be done by then and it'll be time to leave.

For the sake of Maria, Eleanor puts away her childish demands and nods at Nick, "that'll be fine. I'll leave once he arrives as it will give me a piece of mind to leave her with the both of you."

"Eleanor," Maria frowns as Nick calls up Justin, "you don't have to leave just because of Justin."

"I'm not leaving for the likes of that ass wipe," she scoffs and cracks her fingers as they were cramping after her excessive writing in regards to the Kanye article.

"Well if you do leave, it'll sure look like it." Maria smirks mentally as she knows that that'll do the trick to trick Eleanor into staying. Her pride, hers and Justin's could quite possibly be there Achilles heel.

Eleanor scoffs and keeps typing to rid her mind of the conversation but she freezes and curses when she accidentally typed Justin's name down due to the fact that she was focused on his awaited arrival. She tends to do that a lot when she's working and accidentally writing his name or initials somewhere instinctively.

"Fine, the least he can do is bring his daughter and I some food," she sneers and shakes her head at admitting that it was his child aloud as she tries not to mention it ever, but Maria and Nick already know it's Justin's child but they are also loyal to Eleanor to stay out of it and keep their mouths shut. It wasn't their place to tell anyway.

They obviously are more loyal to Justin as they have known him longer and have been by his side for years but it is not their place to tell that Eleanor was having his child as the child is now involved and it is up to the woman that is carrying the child to man up and tell him herself. The couple didn't want to upset either of them so they decided to stay out of it and way for Justin to figure it out or for Eleanor to finally give in and tell him.

"Pardon me, Miss Lopez," Nick clears his throat and speaks softly, "it's completely none of my business and you are not obligated to answer, but will you ever notify mister Bieber that the child you are carrying is none other than his own?"

She looks at Nick in surprise as she didn't expect that since he never gets personal or brings up this topic, nor comments on it as he has too much respect.

"Well um," Eleanor straightens her posture and crosses her legs, "I actually don't know, who knows what Allah has planned."

"Amen." Maria nods her head. Although Maria believed in Jesus she was open to the religion of Islam and did not discriminate those who followed the peaceful religion and she accepted those in her life who were Muslims because she was educated to believe that their religion is similar to her own with the tiniest of differences. She had found out from Eleanor's father that they all believe in Christianity as they believe that their prophet (Jesus) was not put on the cross and that Allah had put another in Jesus' place to spare him the pain of being tortured to the cross as Allah did not want his prophet to suffer any kind of pain. That was one of the major difference their religions had but they both didn't mind just as long as the other didn't try change the others mind or discriminate. But in the end both religions do believe in Jesus and his intentions which is what counted.

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