Chapter 5: Panic attacks/Anxiety Attacks.

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Panic attacks/Anxiety Attacks.

Justin's magazine spreads in this chapter. Insert heart eyes!

"I need a better HR manager, Scooter." Justin sighs and runs his hand through his soft blonde hair.

"Care to elaborate on such a drastic statement?" He raises an eyebrow and unbuttons his blazer as he leans back in the chair Justin has for clients.

"Let's not beat around the bush, I'm not the fucking most pleasant boss to deal with when it comes to these people-"

"No shit." He smirks which only makes Justin scowl.

"Scooter?" Justin asks.

"Yes?" Scooter replies.

"Shut up when I'm talking," Justin deadpans and Scooter nods amusedly. "As I was saying, I'm not easy to deal with and I feel my Human Resource manager isn't taking that into account when dealing with my employees, if anything he's making them want to defy my authority when it comes to the training and development stage or the rewards and recognition stage, you know?"

"I understand but what makes you feel that way?" He purses his lips.

"I just feel like they're not making my employees happy with their needs and requests such as flexible hours for my employees whom have family's and personal relationships to maintain and even though I hate them all I want them to be able to have work life balance here at Bieber Enterprises." Justin sighs and rub his face with his hand.

"And you feel your HR manager isn't attending to the needs of your employees?" He nods.

"Yeah, like I overheard one of the young mums who just had a baby complaining about work life balance and flexible hours and it made me feel shitty that my HR team isn't handling that shit and it's only worst that her reason is for her child." Justin lick his lips. "Happy employees equals loyalty and good business along with achievement of objectives for my organisation. What if she goes to the union about that shit, Scoot?"

"Hundred percent." He nods. "So what're you going to do about it?"

"I gotta have a talk to the HR department, can you tell Alison's replacement to set up a meeting in the board room and organise snacks to butter them up." Justin looks up at him as Scooter stands with a smirk. "What?"

"Still haven't learnt your assistants name, Justin?" He grins a boyish grin.

Justin laughs, ""it's not worth remembering." Quoted by Alison on the day of her departure."

He laughs and nods as he shakes Justin's hand, bidding farewell. "I'll be in touch."

"Like you have a choice." Justin smirks at him.

"Don't make me pull out my share." He glares mischievously.

"You wouldn't even if you we're forced." Justin chuckles smugly.

"You're right I'm far too rich from it that pulling out would be far too foolish." He leaves before Justin can respond with a witty remark. Scooter's a very valuable shareholder in Justin's organisation and he'd never want to lose his contribution.

"Sir," he hears Sarah's voice through the speaker of the telephone.

He presses the button and responds, "what is it, Sarah?"

"How long until you want the meeting to commence with?" She asks politely.

"Straight after you organise the boardroom to fool them into thinking they're being recognised and rewarded, inform them," He says sternly as he opens his MacBook. It's that Light years. Ahead. laptop. It's so bloody small though and it doesn't have USB ports and only ones that have to be attached through another port. He thought laptop was good none the less and thinks it's great since it's light carrying for on the go and he likes that its gold, but somehow he feels that the next MacBook will not have these feature even though this laptop is popular at the moment but not as popular as the others were.

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