Chapter 12: "What did you find?"

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"What did you find?"

Eleanor in the photo. I love maternity outfits omg.

Ramadan Mubarak my Muslim readers!!

"I finally fucking found it!" Justin cheers as he grins in triumph at the dreadful shinny CD that was in terrible condition.

"Found what, sweetie?" Pattie asks as she walks down his stairs of his penthouse with a box of his things he didn't have the courage to come pack since he hadn't been at this penthouse since that horrendous day.

"Uh..." He goes blank and brings his lips into his mouth as he ponders on whether he should tell his mother or not. His mother...a very religious woman who discourages such things and forbid him from watching porn growing up...

She places the box on the dinning table slowly as she watches him confused. "Well spit it out, what did you find?"

"I don't really know if it's appropriate to tell you," he scratches behind his neck sheepishly.

"A condom? Lube? Handcuffs? A woman's lingerie?" She starts listing off and his eyes bulge out of his skull. "Oh take that look off of your face, I'm not oblivious. I know my children and I know what you get up to you little sinner. So I think the barrier of inappropriate was left between us years ago. Now speak." Justin didn't know whether to laugh or be surprised.

"Okay..." he says awkwardly. "I um, I found Eleanor and Daniel's sex tape." Pattie's eyes widen in surprise and Justin curses knowingly. "See! I told you-"

"No, relax baby." She hushes him. "I just didn't know that Eleanor was into that type of um...thing? Making a sex tape...adventurous I guess." She says awkwardly, wishing she never asked.

"No no, they didn't intentionally make one, it's footage from CCTV cameras all around the house, she isn't like that." He chuckles and clears his throat awkwardly.

"Well um, why are you happy you found it?" Pattie asks awakrdly. "That's a bit sad baby are you a masochist-"

"Oh god, Ma!" He groans. "I don't get off to it or anything I just need to prove that she lied about cheating on me through this tape!" He waves it around in an obvious manner.

"How is that supposed to prove she supposedly lied?" She furrows her eyebrows, taking out her phone and texting Eleanor to come to the penthouse immediately so that she can talk some logic into his mind and settle this once and for all. "I mean seriously baby, how many times have you watched that wretched thing?"

"Ma, just please take the box to the car and I'll meet you at home." He sighs and places the CD into his system not pressing play until his mother was out of sight. It was like waiting for your mum to fall asleep or leave the house to watch porn when you were a teenager.

Pattie took her time and waited for Eleanor's text saying that she was here. When she finally got it several minutes later, she sighs in relief and goes to tell Justin she's leaving, only to squeak when he's suddenly standing at the entrance of the kitchen expectantly. "Well are you leaving or not?"

"Someone's eager to watch free porn," she scoffs and carries the box to the door, "don't have too much funny you little masochist."

He chuckles and goes to sit on the couch. Eleanor was breathless as she nods at Pattie who was walking out of the door just as Eleanor was about to knock. Pattie grimaces and puckers her lips for a kiss to Eleanor's cheek before whispering, "good luck. You can do this."

"Thanks," she whispers and closes the door behind Pattie, gasping as she heard her own heavy breathing from the TV as Justin's stereo system was very loud. Oh shit, he already started watching it without her!

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