Chapter 9: Searching

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I wasn't going to but like how the fuck could I not when I know we SPN fans think of Dean fucking Winchester when we hear the name Dean? Young Dean up there^ I died when they made Brock Kelly young Dean Winchester, sweet Jesus YUM

Justin growls as he throws the draw to the ground and pulls at his hair. He wipes his sweaty forehead with his forearm and yells, "why the fuck is this happening!"

Maria walks in and rubs her eyes to rid herself of sleep considering that it was five in the morning. Justin was unaware that all his rummaging through the house would eventually wake somebody up but of course that would be the last thing he'd want at this low point in his life.

"What's wrong Chico?" She croaks, her voice heavy with sleep due to still being half asleep.

"I can't fucking find it!" He roars, forgetting what time it was and that he had potentially woke her up. "I've looked everywhere! I've trashed and threw around everything to find it and I've came up blank every time!"

"Find what, Juju?" She yawns and walks up to him to hug him around his waist, immediately feeling his warmth insinuating he became flustered from looking for whatever he was searching for.

He sighs and wraps his arms around her shoulders to welcome her comfort. He was exhausted both emotionally and physically, he just couldn't sleep. He would never admit it but she helps keep him sane, his so lonely that her comfort is all he has to keep going everyday.

"Eleanor and Daniel's sex tape," he mumbles, stroking her back, his cheeks flushing at his confession. It sounded creep once he said it out loud.

Maria's head darts up in surprise as she looks at him with wide eyes, "why would you be looking for that? Haven't you seen it enough times to torture yourself?"

"Something somebody said to me the other day got to me and I need to see it now, again." He grits his teeth, and looks away from her to mask his embarrassment.

"Tell me why," she demands him, looking up at him with hard eyes as she wakes herself up.

He whines and pushes her away gently to clutch the roots of his hair in frustration as he begins to pace his home office. "Because Eleanor wants me to watch it one more time either with her or alone so she can prove that she didn't cheat on me."

Maria's mouth turns from an 'o' to an excited grin and she claps her hands together happily. "That's great news!"

"Huh?" Justin stops pacing to glance at her with a weird look.

"Well it's great that you even gave her the time of day to speak to you without her insulting you and it's also great news that you're willing to dig deeper to see that she didn't cheat on you, it means there's a possibility in you that believes she could be right so yes this is the beginning of a great day!" She talks loudly and happily.

"Chill Ma, it's still early morning." He yawns, stretching his stiff body as his body begins protesting with less energy and stamina then he begun with hours ago.

"Sorry," she blushes, "I'm just really happy."

"You know she could be lying to you too about cheating on me, yeah mama?" He raises a brow at her and crosses his arms over his chest.

"No Chico," she shakes her head, "there's a difference between you and I, so don't try get around it."

"What do you mean?" He glares at her.

"You have trust issues that cloud your judgment, I don't." She shrugs and walks up to him to stroke his arm but he insecurely moves away after her statement and pays attention to his feet instead.

The CEO Is My Baby's Daddy (Sequel to My Hot CEO)Where stories live. Discover now