Chapter 4: Pure Anger.

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Pure Anger.

Justin's upper body now in this story. Swooning, yum.

Justin's POV:

The tips of Justin's fingers burn as he stands rigid beside Maria in the elevator. His heart thumps widely against his chest as he breathes out of his nose to avoid panting like an animal in front of Maria. He shuts his eyes tight and opens them again once the elevator door opens, allowing him air to breathe as he felt suffocated in there.

He walks Maria to the car and opens her door for her before getting in himself. He felt relieved that he wasn't standing anymore because he felt as if his knees we're about to collapse, sending him to the ground to scream in his own misery.

"Where to, Mr. Bieber?" Asks his driver politely. He only uses him or Nick since Justin's not very trusting due to past dreadful experiences he doesn't want to relive.

"The mansion," Justin says gruffly.

He nods and takes no time in driving out of the parking lot and jumping onto the freeway. Justin watches as the trees begin to part for the moonlight to shine through so high up in the sky and gracing the world all its utter beauty.

He stares out of his window as his eyes begin to sting. Feeling her baby bump like that murdered his severely damaged heart. Touching her very pregnant stomach has made him feel something he hasn't felt before for Eleanor... He felt the longing of wanting that unborn child growing in her womb to be his own child. The connection that was felt when he touched her stomach was almost surreal. His hands moved away quickly with much reluctance but the feeling was undeniable. He wanted to help her raise that child just so he could experience being a father and being with her in general.

He squeezes his tingling hand into a fist and takes a deep breath with much struggle; he feels as if the breath has been knocked out of him. She looked beautiful tonight and there was no need to lie or deny it is what he kept telling himself. He believes she always looks beautiful, but the glow she has now is unlike he has ever seen before. Maybe he saw it after they made love for the first time or maybe he just hoped that was the case.

Seeing her shouldn't happen due to how much of a mess he is after she's out of sight. Justin thinks that she's like an illicit drug you try your luck with, then end up knowingly getting addicted to and have no will to stay away as she's all you think about and yearn to have to bask in that feeling of being high and on top of the world.

She has a boyfriend. She has a boyfriend whom she has a child with on the way. She has a boyfriend whom she has a child with on the way and a whole new life ahead of her, Justin kept reminding himself.

It'd be selfish of him to ruin it all. But would it be such harm if he intentionally wants to run into her just to get the slightest glimpse of her and see if she's doing better than him? Just to feel the slightest rush of feelings he still slightly has for her come back to life to make him the slightest bit content all over again?

That video of her with Daniel... He has a feeling it's not what he thought it was. But then again she admitted it and he's making excuses for her. He's biased to this topic and can't stop the burning fury he has towards her. She admitted it happened and it hurt so bad because for some reason Justin wanted to doubt it was her but he guesses Danielle also got into his head and then his dick got into her. Ha, wow, he laughs to himself.

Justin takes a deep breath and tries as hard as he can to erase there sexual adventures from his brain. He doesn't regret having sex with Danielle. It made him feel that he got the last laugh.

If he was honest about every sexual encounter he had with other women, he wonders why did she feel the need to hide hers from him? He feels betrayed in a way, he feel like a fool at the fact that he had been honest yet she had kept something from him that would've hurt him, but now it hurts ten times more that he found out visually and not verbally, also from another source that wasn't her. He feels like it would've hurt less if she just told him!

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