Chapter 7: Caught.

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Eleanor's outfit minus the shoes and instead a pair of white and black converse 😍

Pattie and Eleanor freeze in each other's arms unnoticeable. As if they could talk telepathically, they pull away nonchalantly and look at him with bored expressions, but deep down they were panicked if heard anything.

"Watch your language, young man," Pattie huffs.

"I'm not a child to be scolded mother." He rolls his eyes at her.

"I wouldn't bet on that." Eleanor puts a chip in her mouth ignoring the cheater's presence.

"It's a good thing no one asked for your commentary then isn't it?" He mocks Eleanor.

She turns her head and shoots him a glare that brings him some sort of sick pleasure. "Wasn't asked for but it sure as hell was needed since your mother's observation of your behaviour is spot on."

"Still pretty sure no one asked you to talk but okay." He rolls his eyes at her and looks at his mother. "Why are you sitting here with her anyway?"

"Can I not catch up with her after so long?" Pattie raises her eyebrow and crosses her arms over her chest as she rises gracefully from her chair.

"Considering she's my ex-girlfriend and you two never really got along, no you can't. It's weird and suspicious, so don't beat around the bush. Why are you talking to her, you always have a motive?" He glares.

"Fine," Pattie nods, "I did have a motive."

"And what was it?" He walks closer to her, hoping to intimidate her as he felt that something wasn't right at all.

"I wanted to know if it was your child she's carrying," she deadpans and Justin's eyes widen as his jaw drops.

Eleanor chokes on the chip in her throat and curses herself for making herself look guilty and obvious,  but she plays it off in a cool manner by laughing. "God Pattie that question still makes me laugh. I'd rather never have children then bare this cheater's child."

"Ha," Justin sarcastically laughs with a glare, "wouldn't put it past you, considering you got pregnant a month after we broke up. You just couldn't wait to hop back on Danny's dick. Come on mum, before she tries to steal dad from you."

Eleanor laughs loudly surprising them both and then she gets up with her opened drink only to spill it all over Justin's perfectly styled hair which has Justin gasping at how cold the drink is. "You're the biggest hypocrite for trying to label me as a slut when you've lost count of how many women's vaginas you're dick has been in when I have no trouble at all remembering who I've been with. You're a joke, Justin."

Eleanor's finger swipes up his cheek and his skin burns at her touch, he had to refrain taking her hand and kissing it all over. She sticks her finger into her mouth and sucks the Fanta off of her finger with a moan and an eye roll just to tease him and it works as his cock jumped at the sight and sound of her actions whilst Pattie holds back a laugh. He remembers her doing that with his cum on her finger. She pulls her finger out with a pop and Justin curses himself when a very dirty memory of his cock popping out of her mouth graced his mind.  She smirks at him and shakes her head, "such a shame that such a great drink was thrown into the white trash."

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