Chapter 13: Blake's Selfish Ways

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"Blake's selfish ways."

"I look like a hungry hippo," Eleanor whines as she looks at herself in the mirror. She turns from side to side, hoping she would somehow appear slightly more decent in her eyes.

"That's because you are," Blake retorts, fixing his hair in the mirror appreciatively.

Eleanor scowls at him and pulls his hair. He yells in pain and slaps her hand, shoving her away which causes her to snicker.

"Stupid bitch," he mumbles and brushes through his hair again trying to flatten the ruffled hair.

"Elle Bear, you are the most beautiful pregnant woman I have ever seen and I promise you don't look as ugly as you feel. That dress compliments your pregnancy beautifully," Logan smiles reassuringly as he rubs her shoulders and stands behind her in the mirror.

"I honestly think I would never leave my house if you weren't living here and making me feel better all the time," she mumbles and kisses Logan's cheek as thanks. "Thank you, Logan. I'll take your word for it."

"Look bitch, I chose your outfit," Blake huffs childishly not liking being made out to be an asshole, "so when you complain you look ugly I want to break your teeth because I don't choose out ugly shit for you, k? Thanks. Now shut your pipe hole and hurry up so we can party!"

"Blake!" Logan hisses and shakes his head disapprovingly at his boyfriend. "That was not very nice."

"We ready to go or what?" Maliah pops her head in the room. "My mans lookin' fine as fuck and I'm about seconds away from ruining your couches by ridin' that man senseless. So please, hurry up!"

"You're disgusting," Eleanor scrunches her nose up with scowl as she grabs her clutch to leave for the party they were all exclusively invited to.

The Kardashian's were throwing a party for Kris' birthday and practically all of America's elite were invited. Eleanor was quite flattered when Kim called her and personally invited her. Kim and Eleanor had become somewhat friendly after Eleanor released Kanye's article for last months issue. Kanye liked that she kept it "real" and wasn't some other bullshit writer looking for an inside scoop to ruin his image. Eleanor was flattered by the compliment nonetheless.

Eleanor was frowning the whole ride there, praying Daniel would be able to leave his cousin's twenty-first birthday party to come join her but family of course comes first. He has always been there and tagged along with her to these things but his mother got involved and even gave Eleanor a scolding for not attending with Daniel as his partner. Eleanor then of course reminded Victoria of the connections she would make tonight for the good of the company, which of course set off dollar signs for the ever money-hungry Vitoria.

Eleanor was invited to it the party Daniel was at but she RSVP'd Kim's invitation first, but in all honesty...she's happy she got out of going. Being around Daniel's family made her uneasy due to Victoria prancing her around and shoving in everybody's face that she has a grandchild on the way.

Eleanor cringes as she thinks of how Victoria is going to take the news that this child is indeed not her grandchild but Patties. That isn't going to be a night she looks forward to but she couldn't wait for it to come to light when it was safe enough for her to do so.

Blake helps Eleanor out of the car and locks it after her since she was of course the last to get out.

"Move it or lose it mama bear, I don't wanna miss any part of this shit!" He sasses. "It's bout to be scandalous night, biatch!"

"You're hopeless!" She laughs at her eager friend. "I don't get why you're so obsessed with knowing how the other side live. Trust me it's not all that interesting, it is quite disappointing in all honesty."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2019 ⏰

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