Chapter 10: "Stay the fuck away."

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"Stay the fuck away."

New and old readers make sure to read bottom note.


Every photo symbolises Eleanor's emotions. ^ Got me in my feels. Sorry lads.

Daniel fumes as he slams his car door to his grey Lamborghini, ignoring the buzzing in his pocket by none other than his pregnant girlfriend who he had multiple missed calls from.

She couldn't possibly expect him to stay calm after everything he went through the last time round this other man was involved. This man has made his life miserable for the last year and a half and the last time that he interfered Daniel foolishly let him but this time, he's fighting for his woman. He's fighting for Eleanor.

He walks straight to the elevators ignoring the front desk and presses the button that makes them close faster, not bothering to be in a confined space with anybody whilst he's fuming. He goes right up to the floor you need to make an appointment with Justin for and he walks straight passed the reception towards Justin's door.

"Hi- excuse me sir! You can't just walk right in you need to sign in- sir!" Sarah yells after Daniel who couldn't bring himself to listen to her.

"Oh don't worry," he turns to face her as he continues walking, causing her to gasp momentarily at the gorgeously famous CEO of one of the most famous magazine companies in the States, "he knows who I am."

"Oh fuck me," she whispers, "that was Daniel Fucking Grayson!" She fans herself and sits in her chair flustered as she watches him slam the door behind him. "I fucking love this job and the men that come with it."

"Amen sister," Angela, the maintenance lady winks and continues mopping with a smirk as Sarah blushes.

Daniel storms into Justin's office in a fit of rage and Justin's eyebrows shoot up as he flinches when the door slams. He stands up from his desk, his chair moving backwards as he moves around his desk to confront the raged man only to gasp when a fist flies into his jaw and he tumbles into his desk having to hold it for support after the blow.

He hisses when his pulled up by his collars and is nose to nose with a fuming Daniel. A look Justin's never seen and he frowns as his face throbs and he doesn't know how to react to this raged person in front of him. He's known him for years and never seen him angry.

"How fucking dare you!" He growls and pushes Justin chest whilst still holding his collars.

Justin growls at being manhandled and cups Daniels hands to remove them by putting his hand on to Daniel's when he's suddenly punched in the face again.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Justin growls, cringing at the metallic taste of blood in his mouth. He just got hit in the face...twice...and it fucking hurt.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, how could you stoop so low?" He yells as he grips at his hair and shuts his eyes tight before looking down at a confused Justin with deadly eyes that worry Justin the slightest bit. He was so confused...

"What are you talking about?" Justin yells and grabs tissues to clean up the blood leaking from him with curses. This would ruin his suit and he has a meeting real soon.

"She's my fucking girlfriend! Mine!" He growls and steps closer to look down at a bloody Justin. "I knew you were petty, I knew you lived for revenge and didn't give a fuck what it would take to end up the victor but this is just too far! You've crossed the line this time and I've had enough of sitting back and watching you fuck up my love life and messing with the woman I love!"

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