Chapter 11: Space Between Us.

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Space between us.

"Move your fat ass!" Justin growls at Eleanor.

She gasps and throws the couch pillow at him and all the others she was tidying up for Maria's formal engagement party. "Stop being so bloody rude when you used to worship this fat ass!" She huffs. Yep they'd gotten to that point after this long ass day together... several hours will do that to two people.

"Used too, when it wasn't the size of Everest!" He sneers and throws the pillows back at her, gasping when she stumbles, his eyes wide as he watches her fall in slow motion with his stomach turning in anticipation that if she falls on her stomach that baby is a goner and it'll be his fault.

Luckily she falls on the couch with a whimper as her head collides with the hard wooden end of the arm rest. Tears cloud her vision as she sits up and turns away from him as she clutches the back of her head and shuts her eyes tightly at the wave of pain that makes its self known. Her head began to throb as her vision blurred. She cursed the wooden arms of the couch for not being cushioned. Imagine that, falling and having your head slam into hard wood...ouch.

He guiltily watches her and inches to walk over and apologise whilst possibly assessing her head but he knows he has no right after how poorly he's mistreated her today already...

"Eleanor!" Pattie gasps in panic and walks over to place her hand over Eleanor's and tilt her head up to study her facial expression to asses her emotions. Eleanor's tears never fell but they were evident with one look into her eyes at the obvious pain the wooden arm rest caused her head. She hated this living room as the furniture was merely for looks, not for occupying.

"Are you okay, sweetie?" She frowns and crouches in front of Eleanor so Eleanor is eye level with her.

She nods not trusting her voice and not wanting to be weak in front of the man who thrives on her weaknesses and uses them against her as well as mocks her for them. Pattie sighs and kisses her forehead, standing her up. "Let me check it to see if there's any damage."

Pattie parts Eleanor's hair and sighs in relief when there's no blood or any obvious wound but she squints her eyes when she sees a dull red spot forming, alerting her that it would most likely turn into a bump but she'd be fine.

"All good, honey." Pattie smiles and then turns to glare at Justin murderously and he smiles innocently whilst scratching his neck. "You!"

"It was an accident?" He pouts at his mother hoping it'd work and all she does is huff with an eye roll. "Obviously I don't want to be charged for possibly killing a baby or whatever if that's even possible! I hate her, doesn't mean I hate the innocent life growing inside of her! Come on, it was an accident!"

"Relax dip shit no one was holding you at gun point for being a fucking idiot." Eleanor hisses and walks out of the room to take a breather as being locked up in a house with him all day was taking its toll. She should think next time before she agrees due to peer pressure.

She closes the sliding door behind her and sighs blissfully at the sight of the glorious backyard she'd never seen in her life. This was her first time at Justin's estate as it was too far out and she never had a car or the time to get all the way out here but she regretted it once she was welcomed with the beauty of the home engulfing her whole.

She frowns when her heart flutters at how much this house would be perfect to raise a family in. It only makes her want to work harder with her career to be able to afford something like this one day in the near future.

The CEO Is My Baby's Daddy (Sequel to My Hot CEO)Where stories live. Discover now