Chapter 3: "You can't tell Justin."

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"You can't tell Justin."

Alison and Justin up there. Love her in real life!

"Oh, hell no." Alison walks in with a scoff. "Some little bitch thinks she's here to take my job as your secretary. Little does that b-"

"Send her in," Justin cuts her off nonchalantly as he types on his MacBook.

"Excuse you?" She quirks an eyebrow and pops her hip to the side in a sassy manner, wanting to start her intimidation tactics to get the frustrating man to listen.

"She's your replacement and she starts today so send her in, I won't repeat myself," Justin tells her as he avoids her burning gaze.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Alison sneers. "You don't just replace me, you dick. I've been you're secretary ever since you started up this bloody company-"

"You're having another child you idiot, so hush." Justin sighs, standing up from his seat and holding strong eye contact to allow her to see the sincerity behind his actions. "This isn't forever, this is so you can be stress free from my orders and your obligations towards this company during your second pregnancy. Chill fam."

"Huh?" She furrows her brows and sniffles a little as her emotions begin playing up.

"Your husband called and I listened. That's all there is to it." Justin shakes his head, walking towards on of his best friends. "You'll still be working but from the comfort of your couch or bedroom. Whichever you desire. Your pay will also remain as you will still be technically working for me."

"I hate you," she sniffles and holds her forming baby bump. Justin would rather cut his arm off than bring stress to her or her unborn child. He knows how it feels to have a mother work through a demanding job throughout child birth so he would never put any woman through that, especially Alison."

"I love you too, baby mama." Justin moves forward to embrace her and kiss her forehead. "Now effective immediately."

"Asshole." She pushes him and Justin laughs for the first time in what feels like forever as she walks away and opens the door to face her temporary replacement. "You're up, blondie. Don't screw up."

Justin sighs and motions the girl in before flipping Alison off. She's too immature sometimes for him to handle but he puts up with it anyway.

"You're name?" Justin asks the woman as he asses her without her knowledge his mind beginning its assessment on her attire, her words, her eye contact and her body language.

"Doesn't matter I'm still going to be a tough act to follow, blondie!" Alison screams on her way out, making Justin glare at her retrieving figure.

"Alison," he groans. "My apologise on her behalf. Once again, your name?"

"Sarah, sir." She smiles shyly. The innocence was radiating off of her in waves and Justin just knew she wouldn't be one of the many employees that would try make a move on him or challenge his authority. She gave off that vibe that she would make it her duty to ensure that her job was full filled. Tick for that box now let's move further.

"Mm, do you know who I am or should I dismiss introducing myself?" Justin quirks his eyebrow, checking to see if she's an over achiever.

"I've already done my homework, Mr. Bieber." She smiles small and nods at him bashfully.

"Great," Justin nods curtly, "do you understand the position you are taking on and what it consists of on a day to day basis?"

The CEO Is My Baby's Daddy (Sequel to My Hot CEO)Where stories live. Discover now