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Slendy's pov~

"I am a Demon" she said. 'A Demon, now that make sense, this could be interesting'. I lifted my hand to cares her cheek, then I ask "then what are you doing in this realm? You're to young to be here in another realm alone" she looked down at her feet, avoiding my 'eyes'.

"I... I live alone. My family died when I was a child. They were murdered" I see tears falling from her eyes. She was crying. I don't know what come over me. I decide to hug her, to comfort her.

"Oh dear, that's terrible. Don't worry child I'm here" she looked up at me, staring at me for a moment, the she said "why are you comforting me? I thought you were going to kill me?" 'Why am I comforting her? Could I even kill her? Am I going soft for this girl?' I ask myself. Suddenly I do something that I regret. I release her from my grip then throw her to the ground. "do you think I comforting you? Oh you're very wrong, I doing that because it will be no fun if you still thinking about you're family, I should be the one who make you cry. Demon or not you're still pathetic" I said darkly. Then I decide to teleport back to my mansion.

Eliza's pov~

Then he left me. I don't know why but I felt betrayed. What am I thinking, no one will ever care for me, they only using me for their on advantage. Am I really think that the infamous SlenderMan will give a damn thing about me? In your dream Liza, in your dream.

After I get home, I decide to take a shower. Why did he leave? Why he didn't kill me? I get out from the bathroom and straight to the bed to sleep. It's kinda weird 'cause I don't have to sleep but I enjoy it. I flop on the bed and let the darkness took over me.


I was running in the woods, running from something terrifying. I keep running until I trip over a rock. I fell on the ground, suddenly I felt something slippery around my waist and wrists. He turned me so I was 'facing' him. The sight in front of me was so terrifying. He has no face, his skin ripped so he was showing his mouth, a black tongue came out from his mouth. I was so scared. I screamed when he suddenly stab me. Pain that what I felt. He open his mouth more wider, his 'face' came closer and closer. Until....

"Aaahhhhh!!!" I wake up sweating. My heart's racing. Then I try to calm down. I see the clock '5.30 a.m.' it's still early. I tried to sleep again but I can't. Finally I decide to serve my self a breakfast.

I eat my breakfast. After that I get bored. So I went to the library. I pick a book and started to read it. The book I read is about supernatural creatures. I always love this kind of book. It always interest me in every way. I keep reading until I get bored again. It's Saturday so there's no school.

I still have paperwork to do. Honestly I hate paperwork. Sadly I have to deal with a mountain of it. This will be a pain in the butt.

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