You are on a date and get disgusted looks

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Tegan: You and Tegan were having a picnic in the park, all cutesy and romantic and such. Two teen girls were looking at you and giving disgusted looks. They've been looking at you guys for the past half hour, whispering and pointing. It was starting to get annoying.

"Can I help you?" Tegan turned towards the girls who still held a stone face look.

"Yeah, do you mind? Nobody needs to see that, do that somewhere else!" One spoke up, the other nodding her head.

"I'm sorry, but is this any of your business? I'm here with my girlfriend, I don't see us bothering anybody. Last time I checked, it's free country. So suck it!" You had to hide your giggles the way Tegan handled these girls. They rolled their eyes and stalked off somewhere else.

"Thanks," You shyly mumbled. Tegan pecked your lips.

"No problem. I wasn't gonna let two dimwits ruin this day." Tegan smiled, feeling like some sort of hero. You just pecked her cheek and went on with your date.

Sara: "Sara that guy keeps looking over here!" You whispered to Sara as you were trying to enjoy your ice-creams. Sara followed your gaze, and sure enough the creep was looking. A middle aged man clenching hard on his cone that it could just crack all over his hand.

"Don't pay attention, he's just trying to seem intimidating." She informed you, bopping your nose with ice-cream. You gasped as she giggled at you. You playfully hit her before wiping off the frozen treat from your nose. That was enough for the man to make his way over to you in a flash.

"Um, hi?" Sara asked as the guy stood over you two with glare.

"It's people like you who make the world the way it is. With all these 'rights'." The guy had nerve to say.

"No, it's ignorant people like you who have the guts to say this crap you jackass! I prefer you leave us alone now." The more Sara said, the angrier this guy became. After he was insulting you both, calling you names and threatening to take 'legal actions' there was a police officer not that far away and had heard the guy cussing at you.

"S'cuse me, is there a problem here?" The officer asked, though he knew what was going on. Before the guy could utter another word more, Sara narrated all what happened.

"Come with me sir." The officer called on the asshole.

You watched as the officer spoke with the guy. His face suddenly draining from colour before nodding his head and scampering off. The office saluted you and walked off.

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