Making Out (oh my....)

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Warning: Nothing extreme but be a bit cautious ;)

Tegan: Tegan was finally coming back from tour today. You get sad in occasions because if distance but you were really for both her and her sister. Waiting for her flight to be called you were mindlessly browsing through your phone, you hadn't realized you were drifting off before you had heard a soft "Hey you". Quickly opening your eyes you soaked her in, she didn't look different then when she left just a bit tired though. "Hey, where's Sara" you asked while rubbing your eyes "she's with some fans at the front still" she stated embracing you lovingly. "I missed you" Tegan mumbled into your neck "I did too" you whispered back. "Come with me" she said dragging you along till you got in a secluded arean "Te-" you couldn't finish your sentence due to Tegan clamping her lips over your in a passion filled kiss. Of course missing her too had resulted in bit of a heated kiss. Fighting for dominance didn't seem to matter this time, relishing into the pleasure. Pulling back with both of your eyes glazed over Tegan said "Let's go home, we have alooot of catching up to do ;)".

Sara: (Your on a kiss show and you don't know eachother yet.). You were asked to go on a like a kiss show by a friend who knows the producer quite well and asked if they had a spot for you which they did. So here you are about to be blind folded and kissed by a randon on live t.v. "hope my parent's don't have cable' you thought. Once blinded you were seated in your chair awaiting your kisser (lol,what?), "Alright bring them out" annouced the host. Soft plush lips were pushed up against yours in a slow kiss, the crowd was louder than usual and you wondereed why but you put it a side and kissed the stranger. You slowly lift your hand in his (yes, you think it's a guy) and left one on his shoulder, you had recieved a light groan in response. the crowd was getting louder and you really started to wonder, but you decided to make it a bit hotter and grasped the neck and went in for the kill. Clapping, hooting, and hollering was heard, I mean you were literally making out with this person LIVE!. After you pulled back you felt a sensation in your lips, "Ok, annnd take it off" commanded the host, once doing so you literally wanted to die on the spot. You were meet with a cute, and adorable little woman with hazel eyes, a short cut and a soft smile on her face "Hi" she happily greeted "hi" you muttered back. After that embarrising encounter you went backstage sitting in a chair and overthought what just happened. "Um, hey" a little voice spoke out" 'it was her' you thought 'hello' you responded "I'm Sara' she stuck her hand out "(y/n)" you shook it, 'you wanna get out of here?" she asked. You looked at your friend then back at Sara, and with a smile growing on your face you said "I'd love to". Mirroring your smile, she took your hand and lead you out of this place, the place you called 'FATE' (lol).

sorry if Sara's ending was cheesy, and I apologise that it is all clumped together well hope you like it. Oh and Sara's gif is just too cute ;)

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