TnS Imagine

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This is for a wattpad friend who wanted 'Mullet' TnS, she know's who she is ;). Enjoy some The Con era Tegan and Sara :). Specifically with Sara.

"Guy's really, mullets?!?!. Of all the crazy hair cut's you've had, this just takes the cake" you eye wide your bestfriend's hair cut's.

"Nuh uh, I know you've seen weirder. Like when our hair was growing out from TBOA (This business Of Art).

"Don't remind me" you facepalmed. It was a NIGHTMARE!!!.

"This is our new look for our new album" Tegan announced

"I don't know, I mean I'm not feeling the whole spector with this look. The clothe's are fine, but the hair, it's gonna take me a while to get used too" you said, you were gonna have o get used to it sooner or later.

"Please, for us. We are your bestfriend (Y/N)!" Tegan pouted payfully, this is hw she alway's got you. The puppy dog look, no one could resist those intense iris's burning into you're soul.

"Ok, Ok. Fine, I'll give them a chance, it will ake some time, but I will get there" you stated.

~Few Days Later~

Seeing Tegan and Sara at their photoshoot for 'The Con' made you love their mullet's rather quickly, especially Sara's. You didn't expect it to take a toll that fast, but it did. You had a tiny little crush on Sara, you told Tegan and she said you have got to speak up and rip it off like a band aid. You've had this secret for QUITE a while now, so it was time to let the cat out of the bag.

"I'm gonna go get some dougnut's, you guy's want?" Tegan asked, tossing you a slight wink, saying like 'This is it, tell her now!' you just sighed.

"Strawberry jelly-filled, and Boston Creme" Sara shouted as Tegan headed out, after getting her 'order'.

"So, I'm starting to like you're hair" you tried to strike a conversation

"Really?!, I'm so glad. I told you it would grown on you" Sara smile, showing her gums slightly

"Yeah, I was surprised myself" you returned her smile (who wouldn't?). You threaded your finger's through her long strands, taking note who easly her soft hair is and how you can slide you're fingers through it.

"Wow, it's so soft" you said, touching it a couple more times then pulling back

"Thanks I guess " Sara chuckled, you smiled at her antics. Why she made your heart skip a beat everytime she laughed or smiled. You may have stared to long since she stopped and looke at you with a playfull questioning look.

"What?" she asked, a slight smirk on her lips

"N-nothing" you blushed, looking down and playing with your finger's

"No, seriously what's up" she asked, observing you closely

"I-I, look. I may sound like a crazy person right now but Imayormaynothaveacrushonyou" you jumbled at the end.

"Pardon, I didn't catch that, just tell me (Y/N)" she urged you

"Alright, I have a crush on you for a really long time, I'm just now telling you this because I was to chicken shit to do so before. There it is I said" you huffed, you said it all in one breath.

While Sara sat there, a stunned look on her face

"Y-you have a crush on me?" she wondered, eyes wide as saucers

"Yeah, I do Sara Kiersten Quin, I do"

"Wow, I had no idea" she got over her shock and spoke up

"Well, the cat's out of the bag then, I just hope I wasn't an idiot and ruined everything"

"This is great!" she suddenly smiled big, so big, you thought for sure her face was going to split in two.

"It is?" you asked, confused.

"It is because, it's going to be easier for me"

"Easier for you what" now you were really confused

"That I've liked you for all this time as well" she turned to face you, hazel eyes shining from the light's and from sparkling

"Are you serious?!?!" you yelped. 'Am I going crazy' you thought to yoursef

"Indeed I am (Y/N), indeed I am" you suddenly smiled big, "Finally' you thought.

"C'mere you" you said, pulling her into a hug. Relishing in the moment, all the time's you missed, you finally caught up. Pulling back, she gave you a soft kiss on your cheek then rested her head on your shoulder. Laying yours on top of her's, you sighed in pure content. You finally had the woman of your dreams.

"Guess my job here is done, good job matchmaker Tegan" she said to herself, as she watched the two of you be all cuddly.

"Perhap's I should get the doughnuts'' she discreetly walked away from the adorable sight before she get's her ass kicked from her sister and her sister's girlfriend ;).

Here we are, something fluffy, and warm all over. Practice on both my smut's and fluff's. As I said I will throw these from time to time or whenever you request for one :). Stay beautiful and Happy Valentine's Day!!. From a single person to you, lol.

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