Tegan Imagine (For Zoe) Part 1

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You and your girlfriend Tegan were walking hand in hand at the park, since it was a nice, sunny day, you decided the fresh air and summer sun would do you good.

"Beautiful to day isn't it" you asked walking, staring ahead

"It is, but I can think of something even more eye catching than a shining sun" She cheesily flirted, looking at you with such an intensity

"Shut up" you playfully answerd, lightly swatting her hand, even though you didn't see the big smile on her she whilst looking at you.

After a while of walking aimlessly around the park, you decided to sit down on a nearby bench and rest. Laying your head on her shoulder you watched the kids playing, the birds flying, and the flowers. Yepp you couldn't ask for anything better, especially a better girlfriend.

"Hey do want some icecream, they opened" Tegan asked while getting up

"Sure, don't be to late thought" you puppy dog eyed her

"Aww, I won't be gone for more than 5 minutes" she teased, pecking your cheek quickly before heading to get icecream, you blew a kiss to her as she pretends to catch it and put it in her pocket. Laughing at her cheesiness, you couldn't be more happier than spending a day with your special girl.

"Hello, I'm James" said a voice not 2 seconds later Tegan left. Turning to the source of the sound, you saw a man about 5'11, a clean shaven face, and striking blue eyes, that meshed well with his beach blonde hair.

"Hi, I'm Zoe" you answered, smiling politely

"Pretty name" he smiled, showing his white, and straight teeth

"Thank you" you blushed

"So, are you here alone?" he asked, inviting himself down the seat

"No, I'm with someone" you answered, it wasn't a lie

"What a shame, congratulate the lucky fellow"

"Um, no. Actually I'm with a girl" you were brief

"Oh your sister, how cute" he blabbed again

"Can I help you?" asked a voice. A voice that took a dark tone, a voice you knew all to well

"No, I was just telling your friend how lovely she was" he answered, you blushed again

"That's my girlfriend, asshole!" Tegan exclaimed (I had to lol, Tegan swearing like a sailor)

The dude looked digusted for a mere second, before going back to being flirty again

"That can change, some dinner, a movie...a hote" he spoke lowly. The once happy expression on Tegan was soon replaced with a dark, bitter one. He smirked at Tegan than turned back to you

"We can get to know eachother better, you know, the sun really highlight's your eyes" he said, moving your hair out of the way. Tegan was fuming, but how was she supposed to compete with a 5'11 beach God. She didn't want to lose you.

"Look 'pal', I suggest you keep you're hands to yourself, or I'll take them from you"

"Oh yeah, what's the 4'0 midget gonna do" he taunted, Tegan had to think of something fast

"What a waste that somebody as beautiful as her, ended up with someone like you"

You gasped, not expecting any of ths at all. You loved Tegan with all your heart, even if you didn't look 'lesbian' worthy. You wouldm't change that for some 'bafoon'

"Here's my number in case you change your mind" he said, passing you a slip of paper, a cheesy wink, and off he went . Tegan defeated, looked into the icecream cup, now melted

"Hey Tee, you ok?" you asked, putting a hand on her shoulder, when you got no response you switched to rubbing her shoulders

"I just can't compete with a guy like that, maybe you're better off with him" she sighed

"Tegan Rain Quin, do not say that. I love you and only you. To hell with this guy, you're the one I truly want" hand's firm against her face. Giving her a sweet, chaste kiss

"But-" you cut her off

"Don't doubt yourself Tee, I have loved you since the time you and Sara released 'This Business Of Art' back when I was just a fan, now I can happily say I'm dating the real thing instead of making out with a CD cover" you laughed at yourself, remebering those days

"HAHA!!, really?" she asked excitedly

"Mhmm" you admitted, you chuckled

"WOW!!, you are so amazing!" she teased, rolling her hazel eyes

"And don't you forget it!!, but seriously, I really do love you Tegan"

"I love you too Zoe" she smiled, smiling in return, admiring the lines she get's when she smiles big.

"How about I show you just how much I love you later" you teased

"Seriously?!?!" she exclaimed, eyes wide

"Yepp, just you and me putting that bed to good use (lol)" you stated, no demanded

"Well, I guess I know what I'm doing tonight

"Next time don't be jealous" you teased, getting up from the bench, awakening from her shock, Tegan retorted

"Who's jealous?, I'm not jealous" she followed you, intwining your hands

"Whatever you say Tegan" you sing-songed

"I was not jealous, hey!!. you gotta believe me"

"You're face said otherwise Miss Quin" you smiled

"I was so not jealous" and the bannter continued till you got home

Hey Zoe, so part 1 done. Part 2 comes the 'sexy' bit, very soon ;). Sorry if I changed somethings if I did, also I made Tegan speak out a little cause I feel she won't stay silent for too long. Yes, I am still writing QVQ. I just need to update on alot, like lterally ALOT!!!. So I'm cathching up. See you!!

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