TnS When the parent's are out

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A/n this just came to me. I don't know why it just did,lol. So please enjoy a Tegan and Sara imagine completely out of surprise.


Use of drugs, Making out with twins, and all being underage

P.S this takes place in the late 90's early 2000's era with Sara being blonde and having the spiky hair like Tegan. Like the photo, but just picture her more blonde. Enjoy ;).

Everyone warned you about the Quin twins. When you and your family moved to Calgary for your father's job, you had instantly hit it off with the twins. Being nicknamed the troublesome twosome wasn't for nothing. Tegan and Sara always's got into trouble, they somehow brought you into their little games. In truth, it excited you. Your parent's alway's wanted the best for you, but basically choosing what they do. Their idea of fun was going to the senior's bingo game, because your grandma coudn't go alone, or learning about past artifact's etc...With Tegan and Sara, you played pranks nonstop, it gave you a rush of adrenaline. Everything was alway's new with these two.

"We'll be back tomorrow, love you" said your mother. you parent's were going out with the quin parent's for their own get together, leaving the twins staying over your house.

"Finally, I thought they'd never leave" Tegan uttered

"haha, why. You hiding weed or something" you teased, Tegan just wiggled her brows at you. A devious smirk upon her lips.

"Seriously?!?!, I was just joking. What the hell is it? your eyes wide

"Ok, but you can't tell anyone" she firmly said, you nodded

"Tada!!" she sang. she held a bag of which contained the green substance of what looked to be used to roll the blunt.

"Tegan are you serios?!?!"' you hissed/whispered

"We'll get into so much trouble"

"And that's why nobody can know. Not our parent's, no one" Sara told you

"So you brought fucking weed to smoke" you raised a brow

"Mhmm, good way to start a sleepover. What you scared" she smirked

"You've done this before" you quirked

"Uh yeah, we know a guy who can hook us up" Sara explained

"Yepp, his name's Ricardo" Tegan added

OMG this is SO not happening right now" you breathed

"(Y/N) chillax, no one will know. Beside's they won't be back till tomorrow" Tegan smiled

"Damnit, fine ok I'll give it a try. But ONLY one time"

"Fine by us" Tegan affirmed

Before you got to the 'special' stuff, you guy's ordered pizza, watched movies, and sang along to boring karaoke songs. Saving 'dessert' for last.

"Ready" Tegan smirked

"I guess" you hesitated

"Don't be nervous, I was nervous first time to. After the coughing it's not that bad" Sara smiled, patting your hand gently. You just shyly smiled back

"Remember to inhale and exhale, but slowly" Tegan added, you nodded confirming what she said

As Tegan began to roll, you felt your palms start to sweat. A churning feeling grew in your stomach as Tegan handed you your 'blunt'.

"Remember slowly, inhale and exhale" she expained as she rolled her's and her sister's.

Once she finished rolling, she took out her lighter and lit up her blunt bringing it to her lips, inhaling and slowly exhaled. Sara took the ighter and lit her's up to and doing the same, then passin it to you.

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