Chapter 9

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The rest of the night was awkward but relaxing in Dan's presence. You both fell asleep on the sofa curled up on each other. The morning came and you felt horrible. You decided to have a quick shower and refresh your makeup. After freshening up you walk into the kitchen to see Phil getting on as normal, making pancakes, and Dan giving him the odd glare. As you walk in Dan greets you with a morning hug. These are always the best.

To break the silence you ask Phil what he's making even though it was obvious.

"Pancakes!" He say bubbly.

"Phil, can we talk?" You say trying to keep the spirits high.

"Sure!" He replies and Dan takes over the breakfast.

You both walk out of the room leaving Dan to do his stuff.

"Listen" You say awkwardly "Do you remember anything from last night?"

He looked confused and puzzled and replied with a straight "No"

You sigh wondering how to approach the situation. You think if u just get straight to the point then that may be a bit less awkward.

"Phil" You say tears welling up for no reason "You kissed me" You say burring your face in your hands.

You felt him pull you into a hug and apologize many times into your hair.

Swiftly Dan comes alarmed at your sobbing but a forgiving expression soon spreads across his face. Your so glad you have 2 of your favourite people back in your life.


Since (F/N) had gone into a coma your mum didn't really care what you did or where you were. She just assumed you were either at the hospital or at a friends. It kinda hurt that she still hadn't text you or call you or anything. Tomorrow was school and you were not looking forward to it. There was only a week left until you leave high school and you still haven't figured out what you want to do or where you want to go with your grades.

You decided that you were gonna spend your last relaxing day for the foreseeable future with your friends. Of course Dan and Phil. Since the thing with Phil you seem to of made up but you aren't as close.

Today (Sunday) you decided to go out with them both to London. It was a great place and you had a lot of fond memories there. When you arrive you head straight for the nearest star bucks and grab the drinks whilst the boys find a bench. 

You come out struggling to carry all 3 drinks and look about for Dan and Phil. You look around the corner only to see a massive crowd around a small road, your boyfriend and close friend no where to be seen. You quickly abort the drinks, dropping them on the floor, and sprint over only to see Dan laying on the floor with a bloody nose.


OKOKOKOKOK im sorry for not posting in like a billion years AND also very sorry for making Phil kind of evil in this book (SPOILERS) XD Thank you for reading and MERRY CHRISTMAS!11!!!!!111

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