Chapter 16

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You were about 5 minutes away from Phil's house and Dan was beginning to work it out, fast.

As soon as you pulled into the road he said your name loudly.

"Yes?" You said hoping for the best.

"Why are we at Phil's?!" He says louder.

"Surprise...?" You said it more as a question.

He sighed. "I can't do this." he said finally.

"Oh Dan Please!" You begged turning to fully face him in the passenger seat.

He frowned for a second then a smirk grew on his face.

"You owe me a kiss" he said making eye contact with you.

You stared at him for a second trying to figure out whether he was being serious.

Half way through your thoughts you were interrupted by Dan's arms around your waist lifting you over to straddle him. A little squeak escaped your lips and he laughed a bit. You sat their awkwardly pondering on wether to make the first move.

You slowly leaned in as just as you were about to kiss you leaned to the side and kissed his cheek.

He groaned in frustration "tease" he muttered.

You giggled a bit and finally went to get off him to head inside.

"Do we have to?" He protested.

"Yes!" You smiled "Now come on!" You said almost dragging him out of the car.

Ever since Phil had told (F/N) about him being her/his brother they had lived together. (F/N) being Phil's full time carer.

We still don't know why Phil had been acting like he did before but it was in the past and even though you are mentally scared Dan needs this.

You quickly dial (F/N)'s number and they picked up after 4 rings.

"Hello"? She/he spoke through the speaker, their voice sounded sad.

"Hay it's Y/N! I know this may be crazy but it's Dan's birthday and I'm outside your house right now and Phil is needed." You blurted out, scared of her/his reaction.

You hear them suck in a quick breath before they speak up again.

"You can't see him." They almost pleaded.

Your heart sunk as they spoke the words.

"Please". You begged, Dan now turning his attention to you since we were at the door.

"We need to talk". They said with no emotion in their voice.

Suddenly butterfly's started to hatch in your stomach.

Whats happened.

She/he never acts like this.

"The doors open." They say since you were silent and the call ends.

You look up at Dan and see a flash of worry in his eyes but you just fake smile in return, trying to pretend everything's okay when it's absolutely not.

The door made a click as you creaked it open revealing a well lit room with neat furniture. It almost looked as if it hadn't been lived in.

"Hello?!" You shouted and you patiently waited for a reply as your voice echoed though the building.

"In here" a quiet voice spoke up.

Dan took your hand and interlocked your fingers and he lead the way to the smaller room, looking like a dining room.

As you entered you saw (F/N) sat on one of the 4 bar stools and you ran up to hug them.

Sure you had talked over the phone and Skype's but you hadn't seen her/him in person for almost a month.

You quickly pulled away when you felt them tense up at your touch.

"I need to tell you something" they spoke up first.

You nodded understandably and placed your self on one of the stools opposite her/him as Dan stood beside you, forgetting to ask where Phil is.

A blanket of silence was placed over the scene and you were completely confused to tell the truth.

"What happened (F/N)?" Dan said in a soothing tone, breaking the silence.

"Phil's not here" they finally spat out.
"And he will never be here again."

You felt your arms start to go numb and you hated where this conversation is going.

"What do you mean?!" You said, your voice weak and frail.

"He died 2 weeks ago from a heart attack" she/he cried out. You only then realised how their eyes were red a puffy from crying and lack of sleep.

Dan POV (oooo change)

My world collapsed around me as the simple words left (F/N)'s mouth. Such simple words but such a crushing meaning.

I felt Y/N's grip on my hand loosen and reluctantly drop my her side.

Only then did the memories of when me and Phil were younger come flooding back from our days together at the beach when we were younger. All the things we shared, all the games we played.

All of them felt like they were draining away from me right now. Being forcefully snatched away from my grip as i desperately held onto them.

A warm wet tear slid down my face as I stared straight into the eyes of (F/N). Hoping. Hoping with all my will that they will say they are joking and Phil will emerge from the cupboard behind me or something.

But hoping is the key word.

You hope for many things in life but they never come because you only hoped.

I was reluctantly dragged back to the reality of the situation by (Y/N)'s heart crushing sobs.

I shifted from my place stood next to her to right up against her and enveloped her in a hug.

"I'm so sorry" (F/N) cries from the background. "I couldn't tell you" they sob.

I pick Y/N up bridal style, hardly enough will power to do so, and carried her to the car. I place her in the passenger seat and place a kiss on her forehead finally realising I need to be strong for her right now, even though I may be more hurt than her she needs me no matter what.

I love her so much.

So what do you think, please don't kill me.

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