Chapter 10

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Phil was gone but all you could think about was your beloved boyfriend. He looked unconscious but you couldn't tell. You barged through the crowds and knelt down besides Dan. You shook his head lightly and rummaged in your pocket for a tissue to clean his nose. You looked around for Phil but you couldn't see him.

You hooked your arms under  Dan's and attempt to lift him over to the bench but because of your lack of strength you just collapsed on the floor. You felt massively like crying but you couldn't. Not in a place with many people looking at you! 

You got out your phone and frantically rang Phil. He picked up


                                    ***Call Ends***

"What the fuck" you say looking at your phone.


Dan needed your help, fast. You didn't feel like calling the ambulance because it wasn't that serious.

As the 'fight' had finished people started to fade away. You caught one of them and asked if they knew who did this to Dan and they replied with "A guy with black hair and pale skin"

Your heart skipped a beat. Only one person that you know was of that description.



You were in Dan's apartment. It looked kinda messy and dark but it smelled like him so the clutter was comforting. You didn't dare go back to Phil's apartment incase he was there. You had no chance against him.  He was  older, taller, stronger. 

You put the strange thoughts aside and attended to Dan with a near by first aid kit. He woke up about 10 mins after you arrived. Luckily nothing was damaged just a hit to the head.

He yawned and you came running in from the kitchen.

"Are you okay?!" You asked him distressed. Swiftly kneeling beside the sofa he was laying on.

"Sure." He moaned rolling over to look at you. He suddenly sat up releasing you were in his apartment. "Since when did you know where i live" He asked laughing.

You let out a snigger and told him that you had asked some one. "So what even happened back in London?!" you asked intrigued

"To be honest i can't remember much because i was knocked out but i think Phil started having a go at me because i wasn't sharing you or something" He said looking sad.

"Why would he say that?" You asked, your voice filled with sympathy.

"Im not sure" Dan said worried.


Thankyou for nearly 600 reads!!1!1 to be honest I don't really know where this story is going I kinda just write what's in my head XD.

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