Chapter 3

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As you walk along the dull and crowded corridors you think to yourself about Dan.

How has this guy single handedly wriggled himself into your mind.

You stop as you arrive outside your science class and stare at the door that say [ Mrs. Dean ]. You hated science and the teacher but you heaved the door open anyway and stumbled in to see Dan sitting opposite your place, You have mixed feelings about this but you walk over anyway and he looks up and gives you a smirk as you dump your bag under your chair. You scoff at his remark and start unpacking your things. You realize that he is staring at you intensely and you glance up to see his eyes just sucking you up one piece at a time. You blush and carry on unpacking. You adjust the neck of your jumper uncomfortably as you sit up. You choose to use your sarcasm against him and sarcastically place your elbows on the table and rest your head in your hands and stare into his eyes trying not to blink.

Then through the door the 'Dick Head' comes in. His name is Henry and he constantly picks on you and UNFORTUNATELY sits diagonally from you...Next to Dan. You decide to be a good citizen and give Dan a heads up about him.

"Be careful around him" i say nodding my head at Henry.

He slowly looks around and makes eye contact with him.

"What you staring at?" Henry exclaims cocking his head.

Dan quickly looks back at you and raises his eyebrows.

"i know right" you say back smirking.

You watch out of the corner of your eye as Henry strolls over with his 'Crew' (James and Nathen)

You make quick eye contact with Dan and start writing the date in your book as slowly as you can to avoid any awkward encounters.

Henry plonks himself in the chair and James and Nathen walk off there there places across the room (Luckily). 

"SO...Whats the new kids name?" He says mocking Dan's "posh" accent (Since Henry is Northen).

"Okay first of all, it's articulate. Not posh. And I am Daniel." He says too confidently.

"Well hello. We have a cocky one." Henry replies extremely calm. Scarily calm.

Suddenly Henry's chair screeches back as he stands up and he grabs roughly onto Dan's collar.

"If you dare speak to me ever like that again I will personally make your life a misery." He says with gritted teeth.

"Nice to meet you too" Daniel coughs out.

Henry pushed Dan back and his chair rocks a bit before it settles down.

Dan looks at you and smiled at his actions and you accidentally cough out a laugh.

Henry turns around and suddenly smiles evilly which is NEVER a good sign and he lets out a laugh and people look at him and he shouts "EWWW LOVEBIRDS!"

The whole class starts to laugh and you bury your face in your arms and peak up at Dan who is blushing like mad.

Henry only laughs more at this and one of the "Popular" girls in the corner start to make there way over and gives you a 'Hes mine not yours look'.

"Look out" you say to Dan and wink at him. Ignoring the glances from Henry.

He gives you a puzzling look just then the girl slide her hands down his shoulder's and intertwine his fingers with hers. 

"Hay, I'm Ellie" She says with a seductive smirk followed by a lip bite.

Dan looks over at you and sputters out a laugh as he looks back at Ellie.

"Whats wrong hun?" She replies giving Dan a puzzling look.

"No thanks" He says smiling dreamily sliding his fingers out of her grip.

You look at him in smiling shock and look over at Ellie who has formed a discussed look on her face. You try to cover your smile but Ellie sees straight through your hands and storms off back to her "squad" and starts to gossip about Dan.

"Nice" you say sarcastically

and he replies with smile.


Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, I have no idea where i am going with this but i guessing it may go on for a while! Thankyou!

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