Chapter 15

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Alot of you wanted me to carry on a bit so here it is.


You sat around the table with Dan's family, the warmth of the atmosphere calmed you alot but your thoughts couldn't help but wander back to Phil.

Ever since you and Dan had moved away from London (and also away from the bad memories) you felt kind of lost.

You had moved to Manchester. It wasn't that far away from London so just incase you could make a sudden trip to see (F/N) and Phil...

Dan hadn't spoken to Phil since you moved and insisted that you didn't. So you didn't.

You felt like Dan and Phil's relationship came to and end because of you and you had to make it up some how.

You had spoken to (F/N) about the thought of them meeting up again but they didn't seem to think it was a good idea.

You could see it in Dan's eyes that he wasn't complete and you tried so hard to make him feel as happy as Phil made him but it was no use.

Phil was the only one that could make Dan as happy as he was before.

As everyone was communicating and laughing amongst themselves you and Dan were sat near the end of the table in you own worlds.

As you looked around to see if there was any food left you felt Dan's fingers gently slip into yours.

Still after all this time Dan didn't fail to send shivers down your spine at the slightest touch.

You blushed slightly as you shifted your glance from the table up to Dan's deep brown eyes. A smirk was carefully places on his lips showing the small indent of his dimple.

After a second of his gaze not moving from your face you finally asked him what was up.

He just replied with a simple "Nothing, I'm just lucky".

This made your cheeks change to an even darker red and you tried to hide it by looking away but it was too late.

"(Y/N)?" He said mockingly "are you...blushing?!"

"No!" You stated moving your head so you were staring at him straight in the eyes, a stubborn look on your face as if to say you weren't going to change your mind.

His smirk quickly changed to a full on smile, slightly showing his teeth. He knew I lied. Apparently I do something with my face which gives away whether I am lying or not but I cant seem to figure it out.

He gave my hand a quick squeeze before letting go and turning back to the conversation that was partaking within the group of Dan's family members.

That night you were going to stay at Dan's parent's house. Both of them were really nice and always made you feel welcome.

Finally about 2 hours later all of Dan's extended family were leaving you waved good bye from the front door along with Dan, his mum and dad.

It was 10:00,you weren't tired but Dan seemed to be getting grumpy, and hungry. These were both signs that he wanted to sleep but you wanted to stay up and chat for a bit.

"You tired?" you ask him once done waving to his relatives.

"Kinda, You?" he said forcing a smile on his face as his mum looked at him on her way back into the living room with his dad.

"Nope" you said popping the 'p' and started slowly skipping back to where Dan's parents were.

As you made your way to the door you felt a warm comforting arm slip around your waist and pull you back.

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