1 -This School Sucks...-

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Introduction: In the city...you had to fight to survive!

Okay lol not really. This is a story about [Name]. Yes the one and only [Name] [Last Name]! She goes to Leaf Village High School, which is far different from Konoha High, where all the rich and/or smart kids go. [Name] wishes she could go there. Leaf Village High is like the "dumbed down ghetto version" of Konoha High School. Her parents forced her to go L.V. High. And no, she doesn't have abusive or neglectful parents but she does have a 13 year old sister who thinks she's 18. Yeah, annoying right? But she deals with her life because it's not so bad, it could definitely be worse.

[Name's] POV

This school sucks ass!

Is my first thought as I walk into the double doors of my school. It seriously needs to be rebuilt. I swear there's rats in the walls and each classroom smells like ass. But there is one upside.

His name is Travis Boyer. God is that man hot! His face: 10. His hair: 10. His body: 100/10.

There is no other man on EARTH that is as hot as him. I have to admit, I've fallen hard for him. Who wouldn't fall hard for a straight A student that plays every sport and is in every team and club and has a lot of money. Also, he has a great ass.

Another upside to this dreadful school, my best friend Alexa Green. She's funny, quirky and is just the best! She, too, has a great ass.

The school bell rung, signaling students that they had three minutes to hurry to class or else they'll be late. So, I hurried to my class on the third floor, English.

I arrived just as the bell rang for class to actually start. I sat in the back corner, Travis Boyer straight in front of me. I'm one of those lucky girls that has every single class with Travis. Get to stare at the back of his head all day. But I wish to see the front.

Those forest green eyes that reminded you of spring and shined with sneakiness. That bad boy hairstyle called "The Cowlick" made his red hair look like dancing flames. Oh and his jawline? Strong and angled with perfection. If I could just touch him my life would be complete!

Time passed by quickly and before I knew it, it was already time for lunch. I walked to my locker and stuffed my school supplies inside and took out my homemade lunch. I didn't trust the lunch that the school supplied, not after it gave me food poisoning a few years back.

I made my way to the lunchroom, pushing pass the people who stood in the middle of the halls, and went to the usual table where my group of friends sat. Alexa was already there, eating the school lunch that so happened to be pizza today.

"Didn't they serve pizza yesterday?" I asked, sitting down next to her.

"Yeah so?" My best friend says, her mouth full with food.

Alexa didn't care for manners. She was the kind of person who would burp the ABC's without even an 'Excuse me' or smack her gum during a test. Yes, she can be annoying at times but she's like the sister I've always wanted!

I just smile and eat my sandwich that I prepared for myself. Alexa nudged me and tilted her head to the left.

"Shouldn't you say hi to your boyfriend?" She asked, giving me a playful smirk.

I roll my eyes. Alexa knew about my school girl crush on Travis. We are best friends so of course I'd tell her!

"He's not my boyfriend," I huff. "Yet."

She laughed at me. "You better get 'em before Kylie does."

I scrunch up my face once I hear her name. Kylie Bridges. Gross! The most desperate girl in the entire world!

She dyed her hair red and put in green contacts just to have more in common with Travis. She also has a whole wardrobe dedicated to his favorite color, which is yellow by the way.

Kylie also used to be my friend, that's until she found out I like Travis too. The fake red head cut off our friendship and went to chase after Travis after wiggling her way into his circle of friends. She'll do anything to get her way, even if that means ruining relationships and locking Travis in a basement.

"She better not touch my man," I growl, glaring at her from across the lunchroom.

I finished eating lunch, and stood to throw my trash away. While walking, I smack into someone. This caused me to fall on my butt.

I look up at the person who I ran into. It's none other than Travis Boyer. I could feel my whole face get hot as I stared at him.

"Sorry," he mumbled, reaching out his hand to help me up. I took his hand and stood up.

"I-It's okay," I cursed myself for stuttering.

"Maybe I should look out next time," he chuckles, giving me a small smile.

"N-No it's completely m-my fault," I stumble over my words.

We stood there as people brushed pass us. It might've felt awkward for him but for me, it felt like a dream come true.

Well, until I heard Kylie scream from across the room, "Hey [Name] you have pizza on your ass!"

My dream come true turned into my worst nightmare. People stopped what they were doing just to stare at my butt. I even stared.

Kylie was right. There was a pizza stuck onto my left buttcheek. How wonderful.

My eyes shifted around the room to see people covering their mouths or laughing at me. My eyes then landed on Travis. He was laughing too.

I gulped and peeled the pizza off my butt and let it flop to the floor. It made a quiet splat sound as it landed pepperoni first on the tile ground.

Tears filled my eyes as I seen the triangle grease stain on my left buttcheek. This is the most embarrassing thing I had ever had to experience.

I took a breath and turned back to my table of friends. I let my head slam on to the table over and over again.

This school sucks...

A/N: whoo! Another modern Sasuke fanfic! The only difference, you're in it! Sasuke won't come in until later. I still have to introduce the characters to the reader so y'all can understand everything and not question what I do!

Tell me what you think and vote! Love you to pieces!

-- Yazzy.

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