19 -Warmth-

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A/N: i apologize in advance. i, the author of this crap of a story, allowed my friend (you know, the boobs and boner gal) to write some of this chapter. she really wanted to help me with this one, so i let her. don't hate me if this chapter turns from cute to... i don't even have a word for it. forgive me for my sins readers!

[Name's] POV

It was awfully drafty in my house tonight. Nothing I did would keep me warm enough to sleep. I tossed and turned on my bed, trying to get comfotable with a thick blanket wrapped around me. But, there was no way I could sleep.

I sat up in bed, sighing softly as I make my way down to the kitchen. Rummaging though the fridge, I grab bottled water and chug it down within seconds. It did quench my thirst but it did nothing to aid me with sleep, nor did it help me become warmer.

Yawning, I make my way to the living room, lying on the couch. The TV was still on, the late night shows airing at this time.

I was tired, really tired. My eyes were half lidded and heavy, my body was drained of any energy but I couldn't fall asleep. The cold air spread throughout my house, giving me goosebumps along my skin. I had to curl up into a ball to keep what little warmth I had left.

Think of warm things. Fireplaces, cookies straight out the oven, sweaters, hot chocolate.

I close my heavy eyelids and attempt to sleep but the cold made me shiver. Now, I didn't have my thick blankets to keep me warm, and I was too tired to stand back up again, let alone walk all the way back to my room.

Maybe Sasuke's up as well.

Somehow, that thought gave me enough energy to stand up and rush back to my room. My excitement could barely be contained when I reached my phone.

But what if he isn't?

All life drained from my body and my mood became gloomy as I collapsed on my bed. I stared at my phone, hoping he'd call me so I wouldn't have to call him.

Just call him, he won't be too mad, right?

Sighing, I dial his number, holding my phone to my ear hearing it ring a couple of times before it being answered. A heavy weight lifted from my chest as I heard him from the other side.

"Ngh...Hello?" He mumbles from the other end.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you?"

"Yea...but it otay," his voice was soft and cute like the last time we talked late at night.

"I couldn't sleep because it's so cold in my house."

"It's pretty toast in my house."

I giggle and lie on my back. "Do you mean it's toasty in your house?"

Only silence on the other end. After five minutes of silence, I got worried.



"I can leave you alone, if you want?"

"No. Noooo. Don't leave me darling!"

"Okay, I won't leave."

I smile and slide under my blankets, thinking how fucking adorable Sasuke is being right now.



"You know I wub you, right?"

I could feel fluttering throughout my whole body. He was just too cute.

"Y-yes... I do know. You told me the last time."

"Do you wub me back?" he asked and I hesitated.

I didn't know what to say, but figuring that he was half sleep, he wouldn't remember anything from tonight in the morning.

"Yeah, I do love you Sasuke. You're literally the cutest when you're like this," I nearly squeal out.

"Oh? I didn't know you thought I was cute," his cute sleepy voice diminished and in came his regular arrogant deep sexy voice...THAT I HATE SO MUCH!!!

"W-Were you faking?!" I ask, my heart pounding against my chest. "Were you just pretending to be sleepy?!"

"Well, of course I was doll."

"Oh my fucking UGH!! I hate you so much Sasuke."

"But you don't, you just confessed your love for me sweetheart."

"NO! I was lying to keep sleepy Sasuke happy."

"Ouch... that hurt my feelings a little," he grumbled.

"Well good!"

"Hn. I wanna snuggle with you bella," Sasuke says, using his cute voice.

"S-stop that... it's insulting."

"But don't you think I'm cute?"

It was true, I thought he was so cute using that voice. I just wanted to hold him desperately!

"Don't you want to hold me in your arms? Bury your face into my chest, while I caress your skin ever so softly?" His normal voice came shining through as he spoke these words to me. It was so embarrassing because all of it was true. I wanted him to hold me, touch me, talk to me, I want these things from him!

"Don't you want to know what it's like to kiss me? Have our tongues in a battle for dominance?"

"Stop it Sasuke.." I mutter meekly. Warmth had taken over my body as Sasuke described lust filled scenes between the two of us.

"Don't you want to feel the heat of my skin? My fingertips lightly brushing against your back, sending shivers up and down your spine? Don't you want that baby?"

"N-no," I whispered. Little did I know that my breathing had become a little heavier.

"Hn.. I'd love to see your embarrassed face right now," Sasuke hummed. "I bet it's priceless."

"Well, I'm more than just flustered, Sasuke," I say, hugging my knees with my free arm.

"Good. Your reactions are so cute."

"Oh, so now I'm the cute one?"

"Well, yeah," Sasuke mumbles softly. "I've always thought you were cute."

"Wait what?"


The phone call ended after that quick goodbye. I was confused, like really confused. Why would he say something like that? Was it just to mess with my already scarred heart? Or did he actually mean those words?

Sighing, I get more comfortable in my bed, putting my phone on its charger. The cold has been long gone. My skin burned with heat as my mind drifted to a forbidden place, where Sasuke held me in his strong arms.

From that lone thought, I could feel the imagined heat of Sasuke's body.  I was no longer cold.

A/N: i honestly regret nothing from this chapter, it turned out pretty well...
hoped you enjoyed it, love ya!

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