13 -Heartbreak-

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[Name's] POV

Back to school. Ugh... And to think I'd rather be back on that boring ass date with Sasuke.

I slam my locker close and make my way to my next class. On my way there, I run into Alexa.

"SOOO," she grins wide as she speaks loudly. "HOW WAS YOUR DATE?!"

I could feel eyes in all directions boring holes into me. Yeah, I was the type of girl that no one thought would ever get a date. I wasn't the complete bottom of the popularity food chain but I was damn there close to it.

I could feel my cheeks warm up at all of the attention. "Could you say that any louder Lexa?"

"Of course I can, but, I need to know all about your date," she squeals, taking my hands.

I could hear someone scoff behind me. "So Little Miss Freak went on a date?"

The clacking of high heels and the overwhelming stench of perfume alerted my senses into knowing exactly who it was.

Kylie Bridges. And she came with her stupid posse too, how wonderful!

From head to toe she was completely fake. Fake red hair, fake nails, fake eye color, fake personality, fake lips, fake boobs. Fake, fake, fake!

"With who? Your imaginary boyfriend?" Kylie teased and her whole posse laughed. "You're so desperate for popularity, you'd say anything to get noticed, wouldn't you freak?"

"Go away you beastly creature. I don't want to talk to the likes of you. Your horrible stench has insulted my nose as well as your voice has violated my eardrums. So whiny and screechy your voice is, I'd rather die than listen to another word come out of your mouth," I insulted her back.

The fake red head glares daggers towards me, her face scrunched into a sneer. But soon after, her sneer turned into a smirk; the type of smirk that plotted the end of my life.

Kylie bursted into tears. "Oh Travis!"

Oh fuck...

She ran pass me, nearly knocking me over in the process, and straight into Travis's arms. He was clearly shocked by her actions and barely knew what to do.

"It was terrible. [Name] is so cruel! She called me a beastly creature! I don't even know why," she cried fake tears, holding onto him like a damsel in distress.

"You lying bitch! Don't act like you didn't just call her a desperate freak!" Alexa yelled, pointing an accusing finger at her.

"She's lying Travis, I swear!" Kylie looked up at him with tearful eyes. "I was just trying to see how her date went. Don't you believe me?"

"Look Kylie, sweetie," Travis started. "You're annoying, and I honestly don't give a fuck about you or your problems. And I barely know who this other girl is. I have my own problems to deal with, okay? Also, work on your acting skills. That performance was terrible. Maybe next time, cry real tears." He pushed Kylie away from him and walked down the hall.

Reality hit me like a semi truck going eighty down a ninety degree hill. Travis, the boy I had been in love with forever and have every single FUCKING class with, doesn't know who I am. What did I expect? He's at the very top of the popularity food chain at this damn school and I'm, well, I'm a nobody. A huge fat NOBODY.

"Wait, Travis! Wait!" Kylie ran after him, yelling his name and her posse followed.

"Travis told her," Alexa said, chuckling.

"Yeah. Yeah he did."


When I arrived home, I went straight to my room. These four walls have put my heart at ease during the most difficult times in my life, but now, these walls must glue the pieces of my heart back together.

What did I think was going to happen? Travis would magically fall in love with me? Pathetic.

Tears ran down my cheeks as I cried silently in my room. I wanted to scream into my pillow, thrash about on the floor, even break some of my prized possessions. But I couldn't, I wouldn't. My body felt so numb, so dead. I was stuck in fetal position on my bed, crying until a headache formed. I was sniffling, hiccupping, coughing. I was a complete mess.

I wanted to rip out my hair for being so stupid. For being so clueless, for being so lovesick over this, this douchebag! I felt so much anger towards him, however, my heart would ache every time I thought of him.

I'm such a loser. Why do I bother trying to love someone?

That night, I fell asleep drenched in my own tears.


Buzzing. Like an annoying bee trying to enter my ear. I roll over, groaning as a headache from hours ago rushes at me full speed. My phone was shining brightly into my face and it buzzed like crazy.

"Hello?" my voice was a little raspy when I answered my phone.

"I can't sleep," Sasuke grumbled.

"Sorry to hear that, Sausage man. Um, what do you want me to do about it?"

"I don't know. Sing me a song."


"Please babe?"

"I don't wanna."

"Fine. Just tell me about your day."

"Why do you all of a sudden care about how my day went?"

"I don't. I just know that you'll bore me to sleep."

"Fine. I guess my day was, well, let's just say it didn't go too well," I started.


"The guy that I thought I liked, he," I began to tear up and my voice wavered. "He doesn't know who I am. I'm basically a nobody."

"Do you have a backup guy?" Sasuke asks.

"A backup what?"

"You know, a backup guy. So when you're first guy doesn't work out, you just move on to your backup," he clearly explains.

"Oh. Well then no, I don't have a backup guy."


"What? Do you have a backup girl?"

"Of course I do."

"Who is she?"

"Why do you care?"

"I don't. I just know that you'll bore me to sleep."

"Haha. Very clever," I could hear the annoyed tone in his drowsy voice. "Well, her name is..."

A/N: hello again. it's been a while since I've updated and i apologize. writer's block and laziness kept getting in the way. oh right, i left it on a cliffhanger because i could. it would be boring to tell you who Sasuke's second crush is in this part.

well i have to sleep. I'll probably start something tomorrow and finish it Cthulhu knows when. bye for now

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